What the Heck is Dry Curd Cottage Cheese and What Do I Do With It?

Dry Curd Cottage Cheese.


If you are just starting out on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet or you are thinking of trying this eating plan to help quiet your Crohn’s or Colitis, you’ve likely heard of Dry Curd Cottage Cheese.  It’s an important part of the SCD, but it’s probably one of the most confusing parts as well.

What the heck is DCCC and what do I do with it? That’s probably the #1 question I get when it comes to the SCD.

In this Gut Love Live Sesh, we continue our SCD Made Simple: Cooking for Summer Series by not only answering this question, but also showing you how to bake an SCD staple: DCCC

In this video, we cover:

  • What is Dry Curd Cottage Cheese?
  • Why is it on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet?
  • Where do I buy it?
  • What do I do with it?
  • Plus, we’ll make one of my favorite DCCC recipes from start to finish

Grab a cup of tea, take a break from the kids and join me as we get some mom time to laugh, cry and support each other on our gut struggle journey.


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