Becoming an IBD Disruptor: The Game-Changing Way You’ll Beat Crohn’s & Colitis

In this week’s episode of The Cheeky Podcast for Moms with IBD, we’re delving into a transformative approach to managing Crohn’s and Colitis. Join us as we explore the IBD disruptor’s vision of what health looks like through your Wheel of Wellness, an innovative tool designed to help you build a comprehensive, personalized healing plan that addresses the unique complexities of IBD.

Discover how the Wheel of Wellness can help you integrate multiple healing pillars necessary for true and lasting flare-free living, from diet and lifestyle (momstyle) adjustments to unconventional treatments and mind/body practices. This episode is all about empowering you to take control of your IBD journey and create a sustainable path to long-term remission on your terms.

Tune in To Learn About:

✅ [10:03] Discover your personalized path and gut healing in a 360 vision

✅ [14:36] What’s included in your Wheel of Wellness

✅ [24:19] What unconventional treatments really looks like.

✅ [30:27] Why ditching FOMO and embracing the slower path of motherhood is actually a bonus for your long term health.

✅ [32:13] Do it Like a Mom: Family ways to make your Wheel of Wellness work for you

✅ [34:50] Grab my Wheel of Wellness Building Tool Kit to get started on your IBD disrupting, personalized path to health today

It’s time to take control of your health. Put the power back within your control. This is the episode to help you do just that!

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Mentioned in the Episode:

>> Your Wheel of Wellness Tool Building Kit {free resource}

>> The Ultimate IBD Diet Decoder Quiz

>> Join The Gut Love Community for Moms with IBD

>> Book Your FREE IBD Consultation with Karyn Today

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Episode Transcript:

Episode 107 of The Cheeky Podcast

Karyn [00:00:08]:

Hey there, mama.

Karyn [00:00:09]:

Welcome to season two of the Cheeky.

Karyn [00:00:12]:

Podcast for moms with IBD.

Karyn [00:00:14]:

I’m Karyn Haley, functional IBD nutrition and.

Karyn [00:00:17]:

Wellness coach and Crohn’s warrior.

Karyn [00:00:19]:

This podcast is all about us moms.

Karyn [00:00:22]:

Because our IBD plays by different rules. Season two is juicy, full of unconventional wisdom, real talk, new ways to tackle our illness, and a whole lot of.

Karyn [00:00:32]:

Community empowerment, and all of us advocating.

Karyn [00:00:35]:

The hell out of our illness.

Karyn [00:00:37]:

We’re in this together, and I’m here to help you find healing on your terms.

Karyn [00:00:42]:

Let’s do this. Well, hey there, dear one. We have got a crucial IBD topic to talk about today. You know, a lot of the time when the conversation is about something as tricky as getting your guts back in gear, it’s really important that we get specific with step by step tutorials. And I have to say, I love a good step by step as a lifelong teacher. I just love step by step processes. Maybe too much because I think sometimes I can get, if somebody says they have a plan, I can really get sucked into it. But usually a step by step is a good thing.

Karyn [00:01:24]:

Like when I think about some of the back episodes of the Cheeky podcast, like back in episode 103, the Yogurt Myth. That was a really tutorial type of episode. Or maybe episode 97 that was all about ways to stimulate your vagus nerve. Very step by step concepts. But sometimes, sometimes we have to take a step back to take a look at the big picture and focus on overall healing modalities to really get a 360 view of the process. Like, I like to kind of think of it like you’re looking at the view at the top of the Grand Canyon, or maybe it’s like a Mount Kilimanjaro view. It’s breathtaking. It’s awe inspiring.

Karyn [00:02:15]:

So big picture, because when we have full control of what’s overarching, all the little things that we do to heal on a daily basis, when we know our why and how we generally want to get there, it has the power to translate then into laser focused clarity, into those nitty gritty type of pieces of the puzzle. And when we know the bigger picture, we can then hone in on the smaller things that make up the larger sphere. So today’s episode, it’s all about the biggest picture. Specifically about a vital missing piece that should be part of your big picture IBD goals, but is also often missing. And I’m going to be really honest with you here. Until about five years ago, that missing piece that we’re going to talk about today I was missing it as well. I was missing it from my IBD healing plan as well. So I had to have a complete breakdown, just basically a meltdown, like a come to Jesus sobbing on the floor, bathroom floor kind of moment, to really realize how important, like, that’s how big this was for me to realize how important this missing piece is.

Karyn [00:03:47]:

So if you have to find out today that this crucial piece, this gut healing piece, if you have to find out today that you don’t have that in place, girl, I gotta say, you’re in good company. And even better news is that it’s never too late to add this piece in. So just what was that moment? What was that come to Jesus moment for me? What was that all about? And what’s that missing piece of gut healing that’s most likely plaguing you? Well, what happens when we put all of our gut healing eggs in one basket? So for you, at this point, all of your eggs might be in the medication basket, and maybe you’re only using medication, maybe a medication only approach to cover up your IBD symptoms. And that was me for about 20 years, not even a few years, but that was me for about 20 years with IBD. I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know there were other options. But cover ups like that, they never give you that real, true, inside out healing, do they? They might look like they’re covering up the problem in a way that is long term, but truthfully, they never solve it long term. It never solves the problem in a lasting way.

Karyn [00:05:15]:

It’s like I always tell my kids, your problems will never go away if you continue to cover them up. It’s when we bravely walk through the challenge that we take its negative power away. But even when I was able to get off of the medication, only train, as I like to call it, I still succumbed to issues because truthfully, I was cocky. I thought that I had it all figured out. I figured out, I thought that I thought I had found my savior and that IBD, it would just never plague me again. I really did. I really thought that. I thought that I had licked it.

Karyn [00:05:56]:

I had found food. Glorious gut healing food. It’s the ultimate IBD healer, right? Those gut healing diets, like the specific carbohydrate diet and gaps and paleo, now that has the power to really get to your root of the root of your IBD. That’s what so many experts tell us. Just eat for your gut and bye bye IBD. And that’s what I thought for the next ten years with gut healing food as my. It was basically my north star of remission. So no Crohn’s was in sight.

Karyn [00:06:35]:

I found food and I’m healed. That’s what I’m thinking. Or so I thought. Because as it turns out, gut healing food, that approach, it’s an amazing starting place. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great starting place, but just like medication only is a great starting place. Food, just food. Just medicine. It might work for maybe other health challenges, but trust me, trust me, dear one, it is absolutely not sustainable.

Karyn [00:07:07]:

It’s not a sustainable, forward thinking action plan because IBD plays by different rules. And the biggest thing that I’ve learned in my last several years on this planet is that IBD healing takes a village. It takes a village. And your IBD healing village is a multi pillared approach. When you have many tools, not just one, even if it’s a good one, when you have many tools at your healing disposal, you can take the time to consciously work on those tools on a daily basis. And this is the missing piece. This is the key that has the power to keep your IBD in remission long term. So right now, if you’re solely relying on medication to manage your IBD, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Karyn [00:08:05]:

I have to say, and I’ve said this before, I thank God for western medicine, doctors, surgeries, medications, I think the heavens for that every day. They’re where. They’re the kind of things that are there when we need them. But if your approach to IBD healing is 100% medicine focused, it’s time to broaden your perspective because you might be missing out on many key pieces of the root cause long term IBD healing puzzle. Now, I do have to say, though, on the other hand, some IBD moms, they will opt for a medication free approach to alleviate IBD symptoms while focusing solely on some sort of dietary choice like the ones I mentioned earlier. Whatever path that might be, whatever gut healing path that might be. I did that for so long. And this can be a really good first step towards the multi pillared approach.

Karyn [00:09:08]:

But it’s so important to recognize that there’s more to the equation than just food. Managing your IBD symptoms and achieving flare free living. Can I get an amen for that? We all want that flare free living. It’s never about just one thing. It’s a complex interplay of various factors that when combined, they create a holistic remission life. And this is your missing piece. This is the missing piece on the IBD healing journey. So, those who have found lasting success in managing their IBD, the ones who have developed this multi pillared approach to healing, this is the approach that gives you the power to delve deeper into those root causes of your individual disease.

Karyn [00:10:03]:

And I. I just want to say that one more time. Your individual disease, so not the way that my disease shows up, not the way that your friend’s IBD shows up, but the way that your IBD shows up, the way it shows up for you. So when you add this missing piece, you will be able to maintain longer, healthier periods throughout your life. So today, today I’m going to introduce you to the way to bring this missing piece into your life in the easiest, most mom centered way possible. It’s all about your wheel of wellness, your personalized IBD healing framework that provides multiple angles to tackle Crohn’s and colitis effectively. Now, you might remember that I’ve mentioned your wheel of Wellness on the podcast and on my website before in different episodes, in different ways. I’ve mentioned this before, this wheel of wellness, but I’ve never dedicated an entire episode to it.

Karyn [00:11:13]:

And it’s so, so, so past time. It is so past time that I did this because this is capital h huge, my friend. The human body, it’s incredibly intricate, and IBD is a complex condition. We’re the healing modality that fits one patient is different from the healing modality that fits another. So relying solely on medication or single method, one size fits all dietary changes to heal your IBD. It’s like treating a problem that’s multifaceted in with a simple solution. It just does not fit. This is a multifaceted problem.

Karyn [00:11:57]:

It’s like, think of it this way, it’s like trying to build a house with a hammer. That’s it. You just have a hammer. But actually, you need a lot more tools. You need an entire toolbox and then some to build a house. So that’s what I’m talking about. And the beauty of adopting a multi pillared approach with your very own tailor made wheel of wellness is that it addresses your disease from multiple angles. It acknowledges that IBD manifests differently in each person, and it recognizes that there’s various factors that contribute to its onset and to its staying powder.

Karyn [00:12:38]:

But by addressing these factors at the same time, this multifaceted but at the same time type of approach, you now have the power to create an empowered, badass, comprehensive action plan that’s always at your fingertips to help you live flare free with IBD. And that’s where your wheel of wellness comes in.

Karyn [00:13:05]:

Just a quick interruption. We will get back to the podcast in a second.

Karyn [00:13:09]:

I’m wondering, are you, like many of.

Karyn [00:13:11]:

Us with Crohn’s and colitis, you’re turning to food to help heal your gut, but you’re just feeling really overwhelmed by the myriad of gut healing diets out there.

Karyn [00:13:21]:

There’s gluten free and dairy free and paleo gaps, and it can be really.

Karyn [00:13:26]:

Confusing and frustrating and leave you feeling disheartened about which diet is the right one for you. And I’ve been there myself. That’s why I created the ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz to help you find your best diet for your unique needs. Now, maybe you’ve tried one of these diets, but you gave up quickly because they were just too strict or they didn’t fit with your lifestyle.

Karyn [00:13:53]:

Here’s the truth.

Karyn [00:13:55]:

There is no one size fits all diet. But there is one best diet for you. And the best diet for you isn’t just about your symptoms. It’s about your lifestyle and your personality too. Are you ready to find the gut healing diet that fits you like a glove? Head on over to forward slash quiz to take my ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz. It’s free and it only takes three minutes. Discover what you’ve been meant to be eating to put your IBD in its place. That’s quiz.

Karyn [00:14:34]:

And now back to the show.

Karyn [00:14:36]:

So just in case you’re new around here and you’ve never heard me mention of this wheel of wellness, let’s just start by making sure that we’re all on the same page with this concept before we move forward with creating it for you. Let’s make sure everyone is on the same page with what it is. So here’s what I like to think of it as. So I like to think of it like I imagine a bike with all the spokes that come out of the wheel. And each of those spokes represents a different aspect of your healing process. So these spokes, they encompass various elements. So they might encompass like one spoke might be a dietary choice or a gut healing diet, another spoke might be exercise, another spoke would be mental health, various treatments, whether they’re conventional or unconventional lifestyle adjustments. So, for instance, your wheel of wellness, just to kind of give you an example of those spokes, it could.

Karyn [00:15:41]:

And again, this is just an example. It doesn’t have to be yours, but it could look something like this. So let’s just kind of go through what it might look like. So you might have a spoke that follows the specific carbohydrate diet. That’s a popular diet for IBD. So maybe that’s one of your spokes. You follow the specific carbohydrate diet. Another spoke might be regularly practicing yoga to promote stress and flexibility and core strength.

Karyn [00:16:07]:

Another spoke might be somatic therapy sessions with a counselor to address the emotional and the mind body side of IBD. Another spoke might be incorporating unconditional conventional treatments, like doing infrared sauna sessions or seeing a craniosacral therapist. Yet another spoke would be about taking your prescribed medications. So that could be something like Stelara or Skyrizi. And then another spoke could be prioritizing your sleep, making sure that you get a consistent 9 hours nightly in your schedule. Another spoke could be practicing breathing techniques like the 478 breath. Maybe you do that twice a day because you, it helps promote vagus nerve regulation and grounding within your body. And so there are so many spokes.

Karyn [00:16:59]:

Maybe one is even including supplements. Like maybe you have a daily probiotic supplement or maybe other supplements as well. So now that you’ve listened to this, and I know there’s a lot of them, I was rattling off a whole list, and you may have thought, just, whoa, just wait a minute, Karyn. You mean I have to do all that? Did you, wasn’t that like ten or more things that you just listed? Here’s the good news. The good news is that in that example, that those example spokes that I gave, they might not all be necessary for you, right? Yours could be completely different. Everyone’s wheel of wellness will look different, and only you need to figure out what your spokes are. And to start, you only need one spoke. You only need one.

Karyn [00:17:46]:

You need one spoke to get started. After that, you can add. After you add that initial spoke, you can start to add in more. You can commit to adding in one new spoke at a time until you come up with a path forward that fits for you. So don’t feel overwhelmed when you’re thinking about building your wheel of wellness. I just kind of wanted to give you some ideas of what might be in it to get your wheels turning. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. And your wheel of, of wellness, it doesn’t need to be constructed overnight.

Karyn [00:18:20]:

The key to long term success with this is adding in one spoke at a time. That’s really important for long term success. And your spokes, they don’t have to even be things, things that you do. And what I mean by that is that spokes can actually be mental, because it could actually be something like an attitude shift. The reason I’m thinking about this is because I was just working with a client this week, and we were looking at her wheel of wellness, and it had things on it that I just thought were so brilliant. It had things like setting boundaries, saying no, listening to positive podcasts, doing foot soaks. So see, your wheel, it doesn’t have to be things that take you out of your home or even out of your body. It can also be things that are more mind body centered, more mind body techniques.

Karyn [00:19:14]:

In fact, spokes like that, they are just as important as any other spoke in your wheel of wellness. Now, remember, if this is new to you, you’ll just be starting out with that one single element. Like it might be medication or maybe it’s food. Maybe that one thing for you is trying to say no more often. We could all do that, right? So it might just be that once you have that one thing, whatever that is for you, once it becomes very much a habit for you, then you can focus on introducing that next spoke. But don’t rush this process, and don’t worry about creating the perfect wheel of wellness. Oh, no, this is not about perfection. This is b, all the way, your personalized approach, it’s going to evolve over time, and it will reflect your ever changing IBD mom needs, as well as your lifestyle.

Karyn [00:20:17]:

So if you find yourself unsure about what to add specifically to your wheel of wellness, I want you to. I just kind of want to give you some help here with this. So I want to give you some of. Just some suggestions to kind of help get the mind going. Start thinking about what could actually go in there. So I thought we would talk about my five pillars of gut healing. It’s what I call my flush formula framework. And I call it the flush, because each of the letters in the word flush stands for a pillar in the gut healing method that I use with my clients.

Karyn [00:20:52]:

So I’m going to walk you through these key pillars of healing, and what I want you to do, whether you’re driving or doing the dishes or taking a walk, whatever you’re doing, I want you to. If you’re in a place where you can do this, I want you to just kind of let your gears turn, let some marinating happen. I want you to see if it sparks any ideas into what could possibly fit into your own personal wheel of wellness. Because in just a few minutes, we’re going to find out how you can get your hands on my wheel of wellness tool building kit. And I would love, love, love for you to already have an idea. One or two is fine of what your first spokes might be. Okay, so here is the flush pillars of gut healing, the ones I use with my clients all the time, every day. Okay, so the first letter in flush is f.

Karyn [00:21:53]:

That stands for. You probably know it stands for food. I’ve said it before, I will say it again. I will probably be saying this till the end of time. This is your best starting place. It’s a quick win if you find the right gut healing diet for you. It’s a quick win and it starts to move the needle in the right direction. It’s not your only pillar.

Karyn [00:22:18]:

Like, don’t make that mistake like I did for years, but it is the best place to begin when you’re just starting out. So maybe there’s a food that you want to omit, or maybe there’s a gut healing diet that you’re thinking about trying that way of eating, whatever that is for you. That could be a spoken your wheel of wellness. Okay, let’s talk about my gut healing pillar number two. And that starts with l, the l in flesh. And that’s lifestyle. Or as I like to kind of call it, your mom style. Since I work with moms, it’s all about redefining your daily habits so that they sync harmoniously with the needs of your body.

Karyn [00:23:02]:

Brilliant, right? So this is where your healing modalities, things like sleep and setting boundaries. Is there saying no taking bubble baths, you know, anything that makes up your lifestyle, foot soaks, date nights, girlfriend time, etc. Etc. All those things. All the things that make up your life, your mom life, all of those things come into play. So we’re talking about big, important things that if you’re going to make time for, they need to be visualized somewhere. Somewhere that you see it often. And that’s where this wheel of wellness comes in.

Karyn [00:23:40]:

Because as we’re going to talk about in a minute, I want you to put it in a really prominent place. Okay, let’s talk about the you in flush. And that is unconventional treatments. So this pillar in my gut healing framework, it might take a little bit of research on your part. This one is a little bit more in depth because unconventional treatments are just that, they’re unconventional. So step one here might be finding out what your options are. Some of the unconventional IBD treatments that my clients tend to use. I just wanted to kind of give you some thoughts just so you could get, again, get the wheels turning.

Karyn [00:24:19]:

Some of them are more mainstream, so even though they’re in the unconventional realm, they’re more mainstream. So that could be things like Reiki, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, things you may have heard of all the way to out there treatments like rectal ozone therapy. And we talked about that in a podcast with Doctor Ilana Gurevich. Maybe ozonated suppositories even to weigh out their things, like working with a shaman or a medical intuitive. So unconventional treatments can really run the gamut, but they can be the answer that you’ve been looking for, and they can be a great addition to your wheel of wellness. Okay, let’s talk about the fourth pillar to really help you marinate with this and get the gears turning. Thinking about what might be in your just the starting wheel of wellness for you. So number four is s, the s in flush, and that’s supplements.

Karyn [00:25:14]:

Of targeted supplements. Now, notice I said targeted supplements because I am really against the throw everything, spaghetti at the wall kind of supplement, every supplement under the sun approach. That is not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about targeted supplements that have the power to supercharge your healing process and elevate your healing journey. It’s all about picking the ones that work specifically for you, and they can be wonderfully complimentary when you find those right ones. It can be a great component to adding into your dietary and your lifestyle shifts. Supplements are really the most individualized pillar that we have, because what works for one might not work for another with Crohn’s or colitis. And it’s really important to work with someone when you’re deciding on which supplements are the best fit for you.

Karyn [00:26:12]:

Okay, the last pillar to really help you just kind of think about what do you want? What do you want that number one spoke to be in your wheel of wellness. And that’s the h in flush. And that’s higher mindset. This is the last one. This is the last pillar that we talk about, but it’s definitely not the least. This is your all important mind body medicine. That mind body connection, inner tools that will be the core, the center of your remission strength for years to come. So we’re talking about things like meditation and spirituality, prayer, therapy, connecting with nature, deep breathing, a gratitude, practice mantras.

Karyn [00:26:58]:

The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Those are just some examples. Your higher mindset is also, it’s very personal to you. No two higher mindset pillars really tend to look alike. And yours is going to grow and develop over time as well. I think it’s a beautiful thing to explore this particular part of your healing journey. What mind body techniques are you thinking about adding? Like, what are you thinking about right now? Any of the ones I mentioned. What do you think you could add to your wheel of wellness? In the higher mindset category, what could you add today? All right, so that’s the five pillars of my flush formula framework in a gut shell.

Karyn [00:27:44]:

And these pillars are your guidepost to help you brainstorm those ideas for your own personal wheel of wellness.

Karyn [00:27:54]:

Hey there, it’s Karyn popping into the episode. I want to thank you so much for tuning into the cheeky podcast for moms with IBD today. You know, the great information that we’re dishing out on this pod is exactly the same type of conversations I get to have with my clients every day. And if you’re ready to take your IBD healing journey to the next level and move into being the mom you always dreamed you’d be, then hop on over to and book your free IBD consultation with me today. Remember, my mom had to be a little bit different and spell my name with a y. So that’s Now, on our call, we will dive into what you’re struggling with most right now and make a plan for how.

Karyn [00:28:44]:

We can work together to help you.

Karyn [00:28:47]:

Achieve your big, bold, beautiful, life transforming goals. No more sitting on the sidelines waiting for that miracle cure to magically happen. You’ve got what it takes to do this, mama. You just need a little nudge in the right direction, and I’ve got your back. And now back to the show.

Karyn [00:29:11]:

Okay, now remember, I have to say this, but there’s no rush. There is no rush to any of this. There’s no stress to any of this. You want to do it right, you don’t want to do it fast. So building your wheel of wellness, it’s a very gradual, ongoing process, but it is an integral part of your healing journey. Take it from me, I learned this the hard way, especially if you don’t want your healing to be fleeting. And it might even be a couple years that you stay where you thought you would be forever. But trust me, it is fleeting.

Karyn [00:29:50]:

So this is really crucial. I want you to be able to start to build your own wheel of wellness today. So if you want to do that, head on over to wheel. That’s wheel, and you can grab your very own free wheel of wellness tool building kit. It’s got everything that you need to get started today. It’s got sample wheels. It’s got ideas for you for your own wheel based on my flush formula framework. It’s got your very own fill in the blank wheel.

Karyn [00:30:27]:

It’s basically everything that you need to ditch this missing piece of your IBD healing plan. Now. Now, before we wrap up today, I have one last idea that I want to leave you with, and that’s the role of motherhood in building your wheel of wellness. As a mom living with Crohn’s or colitis, it’s vital for us to recognize that our journey will progress differently from others due to the demands that are placed on us as the awesome sauce busy moms that we are. So instead of feeling behind the compare or even, you know, playing that comparison game with others or feeling FOMO, we need to stick together, right? We need to stick together and embrace the pace of the tortoise, because that’s where our life is at right now. So don’t ever forget, it’s the slow and steady tortoise. I say this all the time. It is the slow and steady tortoise who wins the race in the end.

Karyn [00:31:31]:

That’s us. That’s me and you. That is IBD mom tortoise. That’s who we are. As busy moms, it might take us more time to get there with our wheel of wellness, and that’s okay. In fact, I have to say, I think it’s better than okay, because change is hard and developing habits slowly over time, it’s been shown to actually help those habits stick better. So the fact that we are on a slower journey is actually a good thing. And the best news here, the best news is that there are so many things you can do to make living your truth in this wheel of wellness, to make it 100% doable, 100% possible for you.

Karyn [00:32:13]:

Firstly, you can find creative ways to incorporate your kids in this whole process. They can become part of your wellness routine as well. Maybe they can join you for meditation or for yoga sessions. That would be fun, right? How about maybe enlisting their help as you prepare nutritious meals together? Sometimes having a family with all that goes into root cause healing, sometimes when I see clients, it’s seen as a hindrance because, oh, my gosh, I have to think about my family, too. But I like to see that as something that we can also look at the other side of, because it can be a blessing in times of healing. We have this built in support system. So seek help. Seek help and support from your spouse, your parents or your siblings to ensure that you maintain your wheel of wellness along with your responsibilities as a mom.

Karyn [00:33:11]:

And bonus tip, bonus tip. Wheel of wellnesses. They aren’t just for IBDers. Oh no, my friend, they aren’t just for IBDers. You can get your family involved in the wheel of wellness mindset as well. You can share your visions with each other. And I say that because I have a client who did just that. So she’s married and she has two teenagers and they all have their wheels up on the fridge.

Karyn [00:33:38]:

They’re all on their fridge together at home. They use it to support each other’s journeys. You don’t have to have IBD to have a wheel of wellness. Everybody needs a wheel of wellness. So they are there to support each other’s journeys. And then they talk about it with each other from time to time and say, hey, how is your goal doing? How are you doing with that? And I just have to say, how freaking beautiful is that? I absolutely love that. Okay, last thing I want to say, if you’re anything like me, you need a constant reminder to do this. But I want to say that I’m giving both of us permission to ask for help.

Karyn [00:34:18]:

To ask for help when we need it. Whether it’s getting a babysitter for some much needed self care or it’s delegating tasks to help lighten your load. We deserve health. We deserve health as much as anybody else. And sometimes that means that we need to take help. We need to take help to make these things happen so permish to ask for help. Granted, both for me and for you. Okay, my friend, this is where I leave you for today.

Karyn [00:34:50]:

Off to the races on your very own wheel of wellness. Don’t forget, it’s free and yours for the taking. So grab your Wheel of Wellness Tool Building Kit at That’s If you’re eager to boost your chances of getting long term control over your IBD, this comprehensive guide is going to walk you step by step through the process of creating your own wheel of wellness, an individualized plan that’s tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Remember, you may be missing this gut healing piece today, but you don’t need to be missing it any longer. Your Wheel of Wellness is a powerful tool that will continue to evolve with you over time.

Karyn [00:35:49]:

It’s not something, it’s not a one and done thing. It will evolve with you as you change. It will change. That’s a really cool thing. But it’s not about having it all in the place today. So remember, as we were talking through, I mentioned you only need one idea today and I bet you already have it. I bet as we were talking, you thought of something. Just one spoke.

Karyn [00:36:11]:

Just one spoke is in your mind as we’re speaking right now. So go and get that idea on paper while it’s fresh in your mind. And I’ve got to say this, my love. I’ve got your back. I’ve got your back. We’re in this together until we chat again. I’m wishing you much gut love and much happiness. Always chat soon.

Karyn [00:36:40]:

If this podcast is meaningful for you, if it’s been helpful in your IBD.

Karyn [00:36:45]:

Mom life, I’d love it if you.

Karyn [00:36:47]:

Would do a couple things first, follow the pod. You’ll never miss an episode. And those moms who are searching for.

Karyn [00:36:54]:

Podcasts about Crohn’s and colitis, they’ll find us easier.

Karyn [00:36:58]:

There’s probably a plus sign or a follow sign where you’re listening in right now.

Karyn [00:37:02]:

It’s at the top of your screen.

Karyn [00:37:04]:

Go ahead and give that a tap. And then also give the cheeky podcast a five star rating and review and share it with your friends who are also struggling with IBD. The more we are open about talking.

Karyn [00:37:17]:

About our illness and bringing awareness around.

Karyn [00:37:19]:

It, the more we’re able to connect and build a safe community around each other.

Karyn [00:37:25]:

I love being in community with you.

Karyn [00:37:28]:

And I appreciate you, my friend.

Karyn [00:37:31]:

One last thing before we wrap up today.

Karyn [00:37:33]:

You know, I think you’re a rock star for taking time out of your.

Karyn [00:37:37]:

Busy life to listen in and invest in your healing.

Karyn [00:37:40]:

It is capital h huge. And the the reason I know how huge this is for you is because I am right there with you in all of this, working my wheel of.

Karyn [00:37:49]:

Wellness, keeping my crohn’s at bay. It’s something that I invest in every.

Karyn [00:37:53]:

Day and I’d love it if we.

Karyn [00:37:55]:

Could continue our gut healing journey together.

Karyn [00:37:58]:

If you’re like me and you’re ready to soak up even more amazing gut.

Karyn [00:38:02]:

Healing information, it’s time to join the Gut love

Karyn [00:38:10]:

The GLC is my free and fabulous.

Karyn [00:38:13]:

Space, dedicated to dishing out even more.

Karyn [00:38:15]:

IBD resources, recipes, healing hacks, lots of.

Karyn [00:38:19]:

Bts, secrets on how I manage my life with IBD, all wrapped up in a weekly newsletter to help you keep your momentum going strong. This IBD dish is gut healing insights that I only share within our tighten knit community.

Karyn [00:38:35]:

Basically, it’s your one stop shop for.

Karyn [00:38:37]:

A more diversified approach to true and lasting gut healing.

Karyn [00:38:41]:

Amen to that, my friend. Let’s walk this gut healing journey together.

Karyn [00:38:47]:

Join me in the community that’s community. I can’t wait to meet you you.

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