Archive Monthly Archives: July 2024

Becoming an IBD Disruptor: The Game-Changing Way You’ll Beat Crohn’s & Colitis

In this week’s episode of The Cheeky Podcast for Moms with IBD, we’re delving into a transformative approach to managing Crohn’s and Colitis. Join us as we explore the IBD disruptor’s vision of what health looks like through your Wheel of Wellness, an innovative tool designed to help you build a comprehensive, personalized healing plan that addresses the unique complexities of IBD.

Discover how the Wheel of Wellness can help you integrate multiple healing pillars necessary for true and lasting flare-free living, from diet and lifestyle (momstyle) adjustments to unconventional treatments and mind/body practices. This episode is all about empowering you to take control of your IBD journey and create a sustainable path to long-term remission on your terms.

Tune in To Learn About:

✅ [10:03] Discover your personalized path and gut healing in a 360 vision

✅ [14:36] What’s included in your Wheel of Wellness

✅ [24:19] What unconventional treatments really looks like.

✅ [30:27] Why ditching FOMO and embracing the slower path of motherhood is actually a bonus for your long term health.

✅ [32:13] Do it Like a Mom: Family ways to make your Wheel of Wellness work for you

✅ [34:50] Grab my Wheel of Wellness Building Tool Kit to get started on your IBD disrupting, personalized path to health today

It’s time to take control of your health. Put the power back within your control. This is the episode to help you do just that!

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Mentioned in the Episode:

>> Your Wheel of Wellness Tool Building Kit {free resource}

>> The Ultimate IBD Diet Decoder Quiz

>> Join The Gut Love Community for Moms with IBD

>> Book Your FREE IBD Consultation with Karyn Today

Connect With Karyn:

Karyn on YouTube

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Karyn on Facebook

Episode Transcript:

Episode 107 of The Cheeky Podcast

Karyn [00:00:08]:

Hey there, mama.

Karyn [00:00:09]:

Welcome to season two of the Cheeky.

Karyn [00:00:12]:

Podcast for moms with IBD.

Karyn [00:00:14]:

I’m Karyn Haley, functional IBD nutrition and.

Karyn [00:00:17]:

Wellness coach and Crohn’s warrior.

Karyn [00:00:19]:

This podcast is all about us moms.

Karyn [00:00:22]:

Because our IBD plays by different rules. Season two is juicy, full of unconventional wisdom, real talk, new ways to tackle our illness, and a whole lot of.

Karyn [00:00:32]:

Community empowerment, and all of us advocating.

Karyn [00:00:35]:

The hell out of our illness.

Karyn [00:00:37]:

We’re in this together, and I’m here to help you find healing on your terms.

Karyn [00:00:42]:

Let’s do this. Well, hey there, dear one. We have got a crucial IBD topic to talk about today. You know, a lot of the time when the conversation is about something as tricky as getting your guts back in gear, it’s really important that we get specific with step by step tutorials. And I have to say, I love a good step by step as a lifelong teacher. I just love step by step processes. Maybe too much because I think sometimes I can get, if somebody says they have a plan, I can really get sucked into it. But usually a step by step is a good thing.

Karyn [00:01:24]:

Like when I think about some of the back episodes of the Cheeky podcast, like back in episode 103, the Yogurt Myth. That was a really tutorial type of episode. Or maybe episode 97 that was all about ways to stimulate your vagus nerve. Very step by step concepts. But sometimes, sometimes we have to take a step back to take a look at the big picture and focus on overall healing modalities to really get a 360 view of the process. Like, I like to kind of think of it like you’re looking at the view at the top of the Grand Canyon, or maybe it’s like a Mount Kilimanjaro view. It’s breathtaking. It’s awe inspiring.

Karyn [00:02:15]:

So big picture, because when we have full control of what’s overarching, all the little things that we do to heal on a daily basis, when we know our why and how we generally want to get there, it has the power to translate then into laser focused clarity, into those nitty gritty type of pieces of the puzzle. And when we know the bigger picture, we can then hone in on the smaller things that make up the larger sphere. So today’s episode, it’s all about the biggest picture. Specifically about a vital missing piece that should be part of your big picture IBD goals, but is also often missing. And I’m going to be really honest with you here. Until about five years ago, that missing piece that we’re going to talk about today I was missing it as well. I was missing it from my IBD healing plan as well. So I had to have a complete breakdown, just basically a meltdown, like a come to Jesus sobbing on the floor, bathroom floor kind of moment, to really realize how important, like, that’s how big this was for me to realize how important this missing piece is.

Karyn [00:03:47]:

So if you have to find out today that this crucial piece, this gut healing piece, if you have to find out today that you don’t have that in place, girl, I gotta say, you’re in good company. And even better news is that it’s never too late to add this piece in. So just what was that moment? What was that come to Jesus moment for me? What was that all about? And what’s that missing piece of gut healing that’s most likely plaguing you? Well, what happens when we put all of our gut healing eggs in one basket? So for you, at this point, all of your eggs might be in the medication basket, and maybe you’re only using medication, maybe a medication only approach to cover up your IBD symptoms. And that was me for about 20 years, not even a few years, but that was me for about 20 years with IBD. I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know there were other options. But cover ups like that, they never give you that real, true, inside out healing, do they? They might look like they’re covering up the problem in a way that is long term, but truthfully, they never solve it long term. It never solves the problem in a lasting way.

Karyn [00:05:15]:

It’s like I always tell my kids, your problems will never go away if you continue to cover them up. It’s when we bravely walk through the challenge that we take its negative power away. But even when I was able to get off of the medication, only train, as I like to call it, I still succumbed to issues because truthfully, I was cocky. I thought that I had it all figured out. I figured out, I thought that I thought I had found my savior and that IBD, it would just never plague me again. I really did. I really thought that. I thought that I had licked it.

Karyn [00:05:56]:

I had found food. Glorious gut healing food. It’s the ultimate IBD healer, right? Those gut healing diets, like the specific carbohydrate diet and gaps and paleo, now that has the power to really get to your root of the root of your IBD. That’s what so many experts tell us. Just eat for your gut and bye bye IBD. And that’s what I thought for the next ten years with gut healing food as my. It was basically my north star of remission. So no Crohn’s was in sight.

Karyn [00:06:35]:

I found food and I’m healed. That’s what I’m thinking. Or so I thought. Because as it turns out, gut healing food, that approach, it’s an amazing starting place. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great starting place, but just like medication only is a great starting place. Food, just food. Just medicine. It might work for maybe other health challenges, but trust me, trust me, dear one, it is absolutely not sustainable.

Karyn [00:07:07]:

It’s not a sustainable, forward thinking action plan because IBD plays by different rules. And the biggest thing that I’ve learned in my last several years on this planet is that IBD healing takes a village. It takes a village. And your IBD healing village is a multi pillared approach. When you have many tools, not just one, even if it’s a good one, when you have many tools at your healing disposal, you can take the time to consciously work on those tools on a daily basis. And this is the missing piece. This is the key that has the power to keep your IBD in remission long term. So right now, if you’re solely relying on medication to manage your IBD, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Karyn [00:08:05]:

I have to say, and I’ve said this before, I thank God for western medicine, doctors, surgeries, medications, I think the heavens for that every day. They’re where. They’re the kind of things that are there when we need them. But if your approach to IBD healing is 100% medicine focused, it’s time to broaden your perspective because you might be missing out on many key pieces of the root cause long term IBD healing puzzle. Now, I do have to say, though, on the other hand, some IBD moms, they will opt for a medication free approach to alleviate IBD symptoms while focusing solely on some sort of dietary choice like the ones I mentioned earlier. Whatever path that might be, whatever gut healing path that might be. I did that for so long. And this can be a really good first step towards the multi pillared approach.

Karyn [00:09:08]:

But it’s so important to recognize that there’s more to the equation than just food. Managing your IBD symptoms and achieving flare free living. Can I get an amen for that? We all want that flare free living. It’s never about just one thing. It’s a complex interplay of various factors that when combined, they create a holistic remission life. And this is your missing piece. This is the missing piece on the IBD healing journey. So, those who have found lasting success in managing their IBD, the ones who have developed this multi pillared approach to healing, this is the approach that gives you the power to delve deeper into those root causes of your individual disease.

Karyn [00:10:03]:

And I. I just want to say that one more time. Your individual disease, so not the way that my disease shows up, not the way that your friend’s IBD shows up, but the way that your IBD shows up, the way it shows up for you. So when you add this missing piece, you will be able to maintain longer, healthier periods throughout your life. So today, today I’m going to introduce you to the way to bring this missing piece into your life in the easiest, most mom centered way possible. It’s all about your wheel of wellness, your personalized IBD healing framework that provides multiple angles to tackle Crohn’s and colitis effectively. Now, you might remember that I’ve mentioned your wheel of Wellness on the podcast and on my website before in different episodes, in different ways. I’ve mentioned this before, this wheel of wellness, but I’ve never dedicated an entire episode to it.

Karyn [00:11:13]:

And it’s so, so, so past time. It is so past time that I did this because this is capital h huge, my friend. The human body, it’s incredibly intricate, and IBD is a complex condition. We’re the healing modality that fits one patient is different from the healing modality that fits another. So relying solely on medication or single method, one size fits all dietary changes to heal your IBD. It’s like treating a problem that’s multifaceted in with a simple solution. It just does not fit. This is a multifaceted problem.

Karyn [00:11:57]:

It’s like, think of it this way, it’s like trying to build a house with a hammer. That’s it. You just have a hammer. But actually, you need a lot more tools. You need an entire toolbox and then some to build a house. So that’s what I’m talking about. And the beauty of adopting a multi pillared approach with your very own tailor made wheel of wellness is that it addresses your disease from multiple angles. It acknowledges that IBD manifests differently in each person, and it recognizes that there’s various factors that contribute to its onset and to its staying powder.

Karyn [00:12:38]:

But by addressing these factors at the same time, this multifaceted but at the same time type of approach, you now have the power to create an empowered, badass, comprehensive action plan that’s always at your fingertips to help you live flare free with IBD. And that’s where your wheel of wellness comes in.

Karyn [00:13:05]:

Just a quick interruption. We will get back to the podcast in a second.

Karyn [00:13:09]:

I’m wondering, are you, like many of.

Karyn [00:13:11]:

Us with Crohn’s and colitis, you’re turning to food to help heal your gut, but you’re just feeling really overwhelmed by the myriad of gut healing diets out there.

Karyn [00:13:21]:

There’s gluten free and dairy free and paleo gaps, and it can be really.

Karyn [00:13:26]:

Confusing and frustrating and leave you feeling disheartened about which diet is the right one for you. And I’ve been there myself. That’s why I created the ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz to help you find your best diet for your unique needs. Now, maybe you’ve tried one of these diets, but you gave up quickly because they were just too strict or they didn’t fit with your lifestyle.

Karyn [00:13:53]:

Here’s the truth.

Karyn [00:13:55]:

There is no one size fits all diet. But there is one best diet for you. And the best diet for you isn’t just about your symptoms. It’s about your lifestyle and your personality too. Are you ready to find the gut healing diet that fits you like a glove? Head on over to forward slash quiz to take my ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz. It’s free and it only takes three minutes. Discover what you’ve been meant to be eating to put your IBD in its place. That’s quiz.

Karyn [00:14:34]:

And now back to the show.

Karyn [00:14:36]:

So just in case you’re new around here and you’ve never heard me mention of this wheel of wellness, let’s just start by making sure that we’re all on the same page with this concept before we move forward with creating it for you. Let’s make sure everyone is on the same page with what it is. So here’s what I like to think of it as. So I like to think of it like I imagine a bike with all the spokes that come out of the wheel. And each of those spokes represents a different aspect of your healing process. So these spokes, they encompass various elements. So they might encompass like one spoke might be a dietary choice or a gut healing diet, another spoke might be exercise, another spoke would be mental health, various treatments, whether they’re conventional or unconventional lifestyle adjustments. So, for instance, your wheel of wellness, just to kind of give you an example of those spokes, it could.

Karyn [00:15:41]:

And again, this is just an example. It doesn’t have to be yours, but it could look something like this. So let’s just kind of go through what it might look like. So you might have a spoke that follows the specific carbohydrate diet. That’s a popular diet for IBD. So maybe that’s one of your spokes. You follow the specific carbohydrate diet. Another spoke might be regularly practicing yoga to promote stress and flexibility and core strength.

Karyn [00:16:07]:

Another spoke might be somatic therapy sessions with a counselor to address the emotional and the mind body side of IBD. Another spoke might be incorporating unconditional conventional treatments, like doing infrared sauna sessions or seeing a craniosacral therapist. Yet another spoke would be about taking your prescribed medications. So that could be something like Stelara or Skyrizi. And then another spoke could be prioritizing your sleep, making sure that you get a consistent 9 hours nightly in your schedule. Another spoke could be practicing breathing techniques like the 478 breath. Maybe you do that twice a day because you, it helps promote vagus nerve regulation and grounding within your body. And so there are so many spokes.

Karyn [00:16:59]:

Maybe one is even including supplements. Like maybe you have a daily probiotic supplement or maybe other supplements as well. So now that you’ve listened to this, and I know there’s a lot of them, I was rattling off a whole list, and you may have thought, just, whoa, just wait a minute, Karyn. You mean I have to do all that? Did you, wasn’t that like ten or more things that you just listed? Here’s the good news. The good news is that in that example, that those example spokes that I gave, they might not all be necessary for you, right? Yours could be completely different. Everyone’s wheel of wellness will look different, and only you need to figure out what your spokes are. And to start, you only need one spoke. You only need one.

Karyn [00:17:46]:

You need one spoke to get started. After that, you can add. After you add that initial spoke, you can start to add in more. You can commit to adding in one new spoke at a time until you come up with a path forward that fits for you. So don’t feel overwhelmed when you’re thinking about building your wheel of wellness. I just kind of wanted to give you some ideas of what might be in it to get your wheels turning. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. And your wheel of, of wellness, it doesn’t need to be constructed overnight.

Karyn [00:18:20]:

The key to long term success with this is adding in one spoke at a time. That’s really important for long term success. And your spokes, they don’t have to even be things, things that you do. And what I mean by that is that spokes can actually be mental, because it could actually be something like an attitude shift. The reason I’m thinking about this is because I was just working with a client this week, and we were looking at her wheel of wellness, and it had things on it that I just thought were so brilliant. It had things like setting boundaries, saying no, listening to positive podcasts, doing foot soaks. So see, your wheel, it doesn’t have to be things that take you out of your home or even out of your body. It can also be things that are more mind body centered, more mind body techniques.

Karyn [00:19:14]:

In fact, spokes like that, they are just as important as any other spoke in your wheel of wellness. Now, remember, if this is new to you, you’ll just be starting out with that one single element. Like it might be medication or maybe it’s food. Maybe that one thing for you is trying to say no more often. We could all do that, right? So it might just be that once you have that one thing, whatever that is for you, once it becomes very much a habit for you, then you can focus on introducing that next spoke. But don’t rush this process, and don’t worry about creating the perfect wheel of wellness. Oh, no, this is not about perfection. This is b, all the way, your personalized approach, it’s going to evolve over time, and it will reflect your ever changing IBD mom needs, as well as your lifestyle.

Karyn [00:20:17]:

So if you find yourself unsure about what to add specifically to your wheel of wellness, I want you to. I just kind of want to give you some help here with this. So I want to give you some of. Just some suggestions to kind of help get the mind going. Start thinking about what could actually go in there. So I thought we would talk about my five pillars of gut healing. It’s what I call my flush formula framework. And I call it the flush, because each of the letters in the word flush stands for a pillar in the gut healing method that I use with my clients.

Karyn [00:20:52]:

So I’m going to walk you through these key pillars of healing, and what I want you to do, whether you’re driving or doing the dishes or taking a walk, whatever you’re doing, I want you to. If you’re in a place where you can do this, I want you to just kind of let your gears turn, let some marinating happen. I want you to see if it sparks any ideas into what could possibly fit into your own personal wheel of wellness. Because in just a few minutes, we’re going to find out how you can get your hands on my wheel of wellness tool building kit. And I would love, love, love for you to already have an idea. One or two is fine of what your first spokes might be. Okay, so here is the flush pillars of gut healing, the ones I use with my clients all the time, every day. Okay, so the first letter in flush is f.

Karyn [00:21:53]:

That stands for. You probably know it stands for food. I’ve said it before, I will say it again. I will probably be saying this till the end of time. This is your best starting place. It’s a quick win if you find the right gut healing diet for you. It’s a quick win and it starts to move the needle in the right direction. It’s not your only pillar.

Karyn [00:22:18]:

Like, don’t make that mistake like I did for years, but it is the best place to begin when you’re just starting out. So maybe there’s a food that you want to omit, or maybe there’s a gut healing diet that you’re thinking about trying that way of eating, whatever that is for you. That could be a spoken your wheel of wellness. Okay, let’s talk about my gut healing pillar number two. And that starts with l, the l in flesh. And that’s lifestyle. Or as I like to kind of call it, your mom style. Since I work with moms, it’s all about redefining your daily habits so that they sync harmoniously with the needs of your body.

Karyn [00:23:02]:

Brilliant, right? So this is where your healing modalities, things like sleep and setting boundaries. Is there saying no taking bubble baths, you know, anything that makes up your lifestyle, foot soaks, date nights, girlfriend time, etc. Etc. All those things. All the things that make up your life, your mom life, all of those things come into play. So we’re talking about big, important things that if you’re going to make time for, they need to be visualized somewhere. Somewhere that you see it often. And that’s where this wheel of wellness comes in.

Karyn [00:23:40]:

Because as we’re going to talk about in a minute, I want you to put it in a really prominent place. Okay, let’s talk about the you in flush. And that is unconventional treatments. So this pillar in my gut healing framework, it might take a little bit of research on your part. This one is a little bit more in depth because unconventional treatments are just that, they’re unconventional. So step one here might be finding out what your options are. Some of the unconventional IBD treatments that my clients tend to use. I just wanted to kind of give you some thoughts just so you could get, again, get the wheels turning.

Karyn [00:24:19]:

Some of them are more mainstream, so even though they’re in the unconventional realm, they’re more mainstream. So that could be things like Reiki, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, things you may have heard of all the way to out there treatments like rectal ozone therapy. And we talked about that in a podcast with Doctor Ilana Gurevich. Maybe ozonated suppositories even to weigh out their things, like working with a shaman or a medical intuitive. So unconventional treatments can really run the gamut, but they can be the answer that you’ve been looking for, and they can be a great addition to your wheel of wellness. Okay, let’s talk about the fourth pillar to really help you marinate with this and get the gears turning. Thinking about what might be in your just the starting wheel of wellness for you. So number four is s, the s in flush, and that’s supplements.

Karyn [00:25:14]:

Of targeted supplements. Now, notice I said targeted supplements because I am really against the throw everything, spaghetti at the wall kind of supplement, every supplement under the sun approach. That is not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about targeted supplements that have the power to supercharge your healing process and elevate your healing journey. It’s all about picking the ones that work specifically for you, and they can be wonderfully complimentary when you find those right ones. It can be a great component to adding into your dietary and your lifestyle shifts. Supplements are really the most individualized pillar that we have, because what works for one might not work for another with Crohn’s or colitis. And it’s really important to work with someone when you’re deciding on which supplements are the best fit for you.

Karyn [00:26:12]:

Okay, the last pillar to really help you just kind of think about what do you want? What do you want that number one spoke to be in your wheel of wellness. And that’s the h in flush. And that’s higher mindset. This is the last one. This is the last pillar that we talk about, but it’s definitely not the least. This is your all important mind body medicine. That mind body connection, inner tools that will be the core, the center of your remission strength for years to come. So we’re talking about things like meditation and spirituality, prayer, therapy, connecting with nature, deep breathing, a gratitude, practice mantras.

Karyn [00:26:58]:

The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Those are just some examples. Your higher mindset is also, it’s very personal to you. No two higher mindset pillars really tend to look alike. And yours is going to grow and develop over time as well. I think it’s a beautiful thing to explore this particular part of your healing journey. What mind body techniques are you thinking about adding? Like, what are you thinking about right now? Any of the ones I mentioned. What do you think you could add to your wheel of wellness? In the higher mindset category, what could you add today? All right, so that’s the five pillars of my flush formula framework in a gut shell.

Karyn [00:27:44]:

And these pillars are your guidepost to help you brainstorm those ideas for your own personal wheel of wellness.

Karyn [00:27:54]:

Hey there, it’s Karyn popping into the episode. I want to thank you so much for tuning into the cheeky podcast for moms with IBD today. You know, the great information that we’re dishing out on this pod is exactly the same type of conversations I get to have with my clients every day. And if you’re ready to take your IBD healing journey to the next level and move into being the mom you always dreamed you’d be, then hop on over to and book your free IBD consultation with me today. Remember, my mom had to be a little bit different and spell my name with a y. So that’s Now, on our call, we will dive into what you’re struggling with most right now and make a plan for how.

Karyn [00:28:44]:

We can work together to help you.

Karyn [00:28:47]:

Achieve your big, bold, beautiful, life transforming goals. No more sitting on the sidelines waiting for that miracle cure to magically happen. You’ve got what it takes to do this, mama. You just need a little nudge in the right direction, and I’ve got your back. And now back to the show.

Karyn [00:29:11]:

Okay, now remember, I have to say this, but there’s no rush. There is no rush to any of this. There’s no stress to any of this. You want to do it right, you don’t want to do it fast. So building your wheel of wellness, it’s a very gradual, ongoing process, but it is an integral part of your healing journey. Take it from me, I learned this the hard way, especially if you don’t want your healing to be fleeting. And it might even be a couple years that you stay where you thought you would be forever. But trust me, it is fleeting.

Karyn [00:29:50]:

So this is really crucial. I want you to be able to start to build your own wheel of wellness today. So if you want to do that, head on over to wheel. That’s wheel, and you can grab your very own free wheel of wellness tool building kit. It’s got everything that you need to get started today. It’s got sample wheels. It’s got ideas for you for your own wheel based on my flush formula framework. It’s got your very own fill in the blank wheel.

Karyn [00:30:27]:

It’s basically everything that you need to ditch this missing piece of your IBD healing plan. Now. Now, before we wrap up today, I have one last idea that I want to leave you with, and that’s the role of motherhood in building your wheel of wellness. As a mom living with Crohn’s or colitis, it’s vital for us to recognize that our journey will progress differently from others due to the demands that are placed on us as the awesome sauce busy moms that we are. So instead of feeling behind the compare or even, you know, playing that comparison game with others or feeling FOMO, we need to stick together, right? We need to stick together and embrace the pace of the tortoise, because that’s where our life is at right now. So don’t ever forget, it’s the slow and steady tortoise. I say this all the time. It is the slow and steady tortoise who wins the race in the end.

Karyn [00:31:31]:

That’s us. That’s me and you. That is IBD mom tortoise. That’s who we are. As busy moms, it might take us more time to get there with our wheel of wellness, and that’s okay. In fact, I have to say, I think it’s better than okay, because change is hard and developing habits slowly over time, it’s been shown to actually help those habits stick better. So the fact that we are on a slower journey is actually a good thing. And the best news here, the best news is that there are so many things you can do to make living your truth in this wheel of wellness, to make it 100% doable, 100% possible for you.

Karyn [00:32:13]:

Firstly, you can find creative ways to incorporate your kids in this whole process. They can become part of your wellness routine as well. Maybe they can join you for meditation or for yoga sessions. That would be fun, right? How about maybe enlisting their help as you prepare nutritious meals together? Sometimes having a family with all that goes into root cause healing, sometimes when I see clients, it’s seen as a hindrance because, oh, my gosh, I have to think about my family, too. But I like to see that as something that we can also look at the other side of, because it can be a blessing in times of healing. We have this built in support system. So seek help. Seek help and support from your spouse, your parents or your siblings to ensure that you maintain your wheel of wellness along with your responsibilities as a mom.

Karyn [00:33:11]:

And bonus tip, bonus tip. Wheel of wellnesses. They aren’t just for IBDers. Oh no, my friend, they aren’t just for IBDers. You can get your family involved in the wheel of wellness mindset as well. You can share your visions with each other. And I say that because I have a client who did just that. So she’s married and she has two teenagers and they all have their wheels up on the fridge.

Karyn [00:33:38]:

They’re all on their fridge together at home. They use it to support each other’s journeys. You don’t have to have IBD to have a wheel of wellness. Everybody needs a wheel of wellness. So they are there to support each other’s journeys. And then they talk about it with each other from time to time and say, hey, how is your goal doing? How are you doing with that? And I just have to say, how freaking beautiful is that? I absolutely love that. Okay, last thing I want to say, if you’re anything like me, you need a constant reminder to do this. But I want to say that I’m giving both of us permission to ask for help.

Karyn [00:34:18]:

To ask for help when we need it. Whether it’s getting a babysitter for some much needed self care or it’s delegating tasks to help lighten your load. We deserve health. We deserve health as much as anybody else. And sometimes that means that we need to take help. We need to take help to make these things happen so permish to ask for help. Granted, both for me and for you. Okay, my friend, this is where I leave you for today.

Karyn [00:34:50]:

Off to the races on your very own wheel of wellness. Don’t forget, it’s free and yours for the taking. So grab your Wheel of Wellness Tool Building Kit at That’s If you’re eager to boost your chances of getting long term control over your IBD, this comprehensive guide is going to walk you step by step through the process of creating your own wheel of wellness, an individualized plan that’s tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Remember, you may be missing this gut healing piece today, but you don’t need to be missing it any longer. Your Wheel of Wellness is a powerful tool that will continue to evolve with you over time.

Karyn [00:35:49]:

It’s not something, it’s not a one and done thing. It will evolve with you as you change. It will change. That’s a really cool thing. But it’s not about having it all in the place today. So remember, as we were talking through, I mentioned you only need one idea today and I bet you already have it. I bet as we were talking, you thought of something. Just one spoke.

Karyn [00:36:11]:

Just one spoke is in your mind as we’re speaking right now. So go and get that idea on paper while it’s fresh in your mind. And I’ve got to say this, my love. I’ve got your back. I’ve got your back. We’re in this together until we chat again. I’m wishing you much gut love and much happiness. Always chat soon.

Karyn [00:36:40]:

If this podcast is meaningful for you, if it’s been helpful in your IBD.

Karyn [00:36:45]:

Mom life, I’d love it if you.

Karyn [00:36:47]:

Would do a couple things first, follow the pod. You’ll never miss an episode. And those moms who are searching for.

Karyn [00:36:54]:

Podcasts about Crohn’s and colitis, they’ll find us easier.

Karyn [00:36:58]:

There’s probably a plus sign or a follow sign where you’re listening in right now.

Karyn [00:37:02]:

It’s at the top of your screen.

Karyn [00:37:04]:

Go ahead and give that a tap. And then also give the cheeky podcast a five star rating and review and share it with your friends who are also struggling with IBD. The more we are open about talking.

Karyn [00:37:17]:

About our illness and bringing awareness around.

Karyn [00:37:19]:

It, the more we’re able to connect and build a safe community around each other.

Karyn [00:37:25]:

I love being in community with you.

Karyn [00:37:28]:

And I appreciate you, my friend.

Karyn [00:37:31]:

One last thing before we wrap up today.

Karyn [00:37:33]:

You know, I think you’re a rock star for taking time out of your.

Karyn [00:37:37]:

Busy life to listen in and invest in your healing.

Karyn [00:37:40]:

It is capital h huge. And the the reason I know how huge this is for you is because I am right there with you in all of this, working my wheel of.

Karyn [00:37:49]:

Wellness, keeping my crohn’s at bay. It’s something that I invest in every.

Karyn [00:37:53]:

Day and I’d love it if we.

Karyn [00:37:55]:

Could continue our gut healing journey together.

Karyn [00:37:58]:

If you’re like me and you’re ready to soak up even more amazing gut.

Karyn [00:38:02]:

Healing information, it’s time to join the Gut love

Karyn [00:38:10]:

The GLC is my free and fabulous.

Karyn [00:38:13]:

Space, dedicated to dishing out even more.

Karyn [00:38:15]:

IBD resources, recipes, healing hacks, lots of.

Karyn [00:38:19]:

Bts, secrets on how I manage my life with IBD, all wrapped up in a weekly newsletter to help you keep your momentum going strong. This IBD dish is gut healing insights that I only share within our tighten knit community.

Karyn [00:38:35]:

Basically, it’s your one stop shop for.

Karyn [00:38:37]:

A more diversified approach to true and lasting gut healing.

Karyn [00:38:41]:

Amen to that, my friend. Let’s walk this gut healing journey together.

Karyn [00:38:47]:

Join me in the community that’s community. I can’t wait to meet you you.

Dr. Kasia Kines On… The Link Between the Epstein Barr Virus and IBD

In this week’s episode of The Cheeky Podcast for Moms with IBD, we welcome Dr. Kasia Kines, an internationally recognized expert on Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infections. Dr. Kines, with her extensive background in clinical nutrition and her role as the CEO and Founder of the EBV Global Institute, brings invaluable insights into the often-overlooked connection between EBV and IBD.

If you’ve ever felt that something was off, maybe what you’re going through doesn’t fit the typical pattern of anything you’ve been diagnosed with, this episode is tailor made for you.

Join us as we explore this complex and often misunderstood condition, especially in its reactivation form. You’ll be amazed at just how many illnesses actually link back to an EBV infection—including Crohn’s and Colitis. Dr. Kines shares her expertise on what proper EBV testing looks like and she shares how you can get tested without even involving your doctor.

We dive into what effective treatment strategies look like and the empowering role of self-advocacy in managing chronic illness. This conversation is filled with eye-opening insights that could transform your approach to IBD management.

This is a powerful one. Don’t miss it!

Tune in To Learn About:

✅ [07:50] Struggling patients, unanswered questions, frustration in healthcare

✅ [20:11] Dr. Kines surprising discovery about IBD while writing her book: The Epstein Barr Virus Solution

[31:06] An AMAZING research opportunity to work with Kasia for those newly diagnosed IBD

✅ [34:03] How immunosuppressive drugs play a role in reactivating EBV

✅ [54:27] Kasia’s Ultimate EBV Healing Bundle

✅ [1:06] EMF exposure and Wi-Fi hygiene

Join us for this enlightening episode and empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate your IBD treatment with confidence and hope.

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Mentioned in the Episode:

>> The Ultimate IBD Diet Decoder Quiz

>> Join The Gut Love Community for Moms with IBD

>> Book Your FREE IBD Consultation with Karyn Today

Connect With Karyn:

Karyn on YouTube

Karyn on Instagram

Karyn on Facebook

Connect With Kasia:

The Website

The Epstein Barr Virus Solution Book by Dr. Kasia Kines

Episode Transcript:

Karyn [00:00:08]:

Hey there, mama. Welcome to season two of the Cheeky podcast for moms with IBD. I’m Karen Haley, functional IBD nutrition and wellness coach and Crohn’s warrior. This podcast is all about us moms because our IBD plays by different rules. Season two is juicy, full of unconventional wisdom, real talk, new ways to tackle our illness, and a whole lot of community empowerment, and all of us advocating the hell out of our illness. We’re in this together. And I’m here to help you find healing on your terms.

Karyn [00:00:42]:

Let’s do this.

Karyn [00:00:49]:

Well, hello, dear one. How’s it going? How’s it going for you today on my end? I gotta say, I am positively giddy over here to introduce you to doctor Kasia kinds. She’s so brilliant and educated, yet as you’re going to see, she’s also personable and really down to earth at the same time. And what she is dishing on is going to.

Karyn [00:01:13]:

It’s like it’s going to blow your.

Karyn [00:01:15]:

Mind because no one is talking about this important topic, which makes this episode a must listen or a must watch if you’re here with us on YouTube, when she connects the dots between the Epstein Barr virus and so many illnesses like ms and lupus, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, psoriasis, vagus nerve dysregulation, thyroid issues like Hashimoto’s, type one diabetes, celiac connective tissue disease, and the list goes on and on. But what I brought her here to talk about today is the link between EBV and IBD. And holy how this conversation does not disappoint. It’s an eye opening. And really, I have to say, it is a must listen for anyone, anyone with Crohn’s or colitis. So please, together, let’s be the conduit for our circle, and let’s share this episode with your IBD friends, with your IBD communities, whether it be in person or online with fellow IBD family members. Because this is game changing. It’s really, truly, it’s a game changing conversation for all of us in the IBD world.

Karyn [00:02:33]:

So this is definitely one you’re going to want to listen to and to share as well. Before we get to the interview, let me tell you a little bit about Doctor Kasia Kynes. She is an international authority on the Epstein Barr virus. You’re going to hear us throughout the episode. Call it EBV. Just like inflammatory bowel disease goes by IBD, we’ll be talking about it in terms of EBV. She is a doctor of clinical nutrition. She’s the CEO and founder of the EBV Global Global Institute.

Karyn [00:03:02]:

She’s a board certified nutrition specialist with not one, but two master’s degrees, including a master’s in clinical nutrition from the prestigious Bastille University. And she’s also a best selling author, Amazon bestselling author of the Epstein Barr Virus solution, Doctor Kasia Kinds. And as she prefers to be called, Kasia. She brings her wealth of knowledge to this discussion that’s so often overlooked, that connection between EBV and IBD. And if you’ve ever felt something that you thought, well, that’s just a little bit off, or maybe you thought, what you’re going through, it just doesn’t fit the typical pattern of anything that you’ve been diagnosed with. This is absolutely the episode Taylor made for you. We delve into what EBV is. We talk about, it’s a link to mono.

Karyn [00:04:00]:

You may have had that in your younger years, but mostly we talk about reaction activation syndrome that has the potential to happen in your, or occur in your adult life. We explored the nuts and bolts of the virus like symptoms, diagnosis, what proper testing looks like, because, trust me, your doctors are probably getting it wrong, according to Kasia. But the best part of this conversation, the best part is what Kasia shares with us in the scientific research about the causal link, not correlation, but causal, actual cause and effect links between EBV and certain types of IBD.

Karyn [00:04:39]:


Karyn [00:04:40]:

And we also talk about the link between immunosuppressive drugs. And those are something that if you have IBD, you’ve probably had experience with. So things like steroids, immunomodulators, like six MP, as well as all of the biologics, we talk about their link as being a gateway to eBV. And we do also talk about treatment as well, including a discussion about Kasia’s ultimate EBV bundle. Bundle. But we also spend time talking about the vital role of empowerment and setting boundaries and stepping into your power, and how these facets are just as important a treatment tool. And so we also talk about how hard these qualities are to embody for all of us, especially for those of us who are empaths. And I have to tell you, I have never, never met an IBD gal who wasn’t an empath.

Karyn [00:05:39]:

So this absolutely relates to you, my friend, this episode. It’s your roadmap. Your roadmap to understanding a critical and rarely I maybe if ever talked about aspect of IBD that you might just be missing. You know, statistically, around 95% of the world’s population is a carrier for eBv. So chances are, if you’re listening to this today, the chances are extraordinarily high that you’re a carrier yourself. And what that means for you is that given the right circumstances, this dormant virus has the potential to come out in you. How can you prevent that from happening? What can you do if it does happen? Why is IBD at the center of all of this specifically for us? These are the questions that we’re going to answer today. Please help me welcome Doctor Kasia Heinz.

Karyn [00:06:37]:

Welcome, Kasia. I am so happy to have you on the Tiki podcast. Thanks for joining us.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:06:43]:

It’s so good to see you again. It’s been a long time.

Karyn [00:06:45]:

It has been a really long time, actually, I wanted to start there. So your path as a clinical nutritionist, I know it didn’t start out with Epstein Barr virus. In fact, when we met, way long time ago, when you were living on the east coast, you were actually specializing in. Correct me if I’m wrong, I think it was Sibo. Small intestinal, bacterial overgrowth, or even just gastrointestinal issues, GI issues, and sibo in particular. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So tell me, what caused this change? What happened that you then began to focus on eBv?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:07:20]:

The universe happened. That’s what happened. Well, I always, you know, like a dog, I always follow where my nose goes, and the nose goes where the pain is. And so I was at Hopkins with Doctor Mullen. He specialized in Sibo, so I worked a lot with that. But then that led me to Hashimoto’s autoimmunity. But in general, I was the clinician of last resort. So I had a lot of complicated cases, so to speak.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:07:50]:

People that tried everything had a pile of labs, big bills from all the functional doctors, and they were not getting better. So I had to follow that pain and follow what presented and follow what I needed to know. And there was a percentage of, you know, it’s in clinical life, we are humans, so we tend to focus on the negative. So if I was able to help 100 people change their lives, but there was one I couldn’t, then we focus on that one. You couldn’t amplify it and say, why? Why? Why? So I always ask the question, why was I hitting a wall with some of those beautiful souls? Like, we were doing everything right? What was I missing? And that’s a frustration in a lot of clinicians, actually. And at the same time, half a year before I was ready to move to the States permanently, one of my best friends ended up in er, out of the blue, half paralyzed, and was diagnosed with miss. You know, this was. We lived close, relatively close to Chernobyl, you know, northern Poland.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:09:05]:

Chernobyl is south, but still, you’ll never know. But when I moved to the States, she began his journey, her journey, fighting for her life. And basically, I tried, you know, I became a nutritionist. I tried long distance. I didn’t really know how to help her with miss, but I always ask, you know, why did she get it? I didn’t. She did. What? Why was it? And I was asking the question. She was fighting.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:09:36]:

She was the most extraordinary person. And eventually it took her almost 20 years, and she died of complications.

Karyn [00:09:46]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:09:47]:

And I wasn’t able to help her, and that was really painful. And she basically is the reason why I kept asking why she died, why I couldn’t help her, what was it behind it? And the universe delivered. Basically. I started to bump into things. And then a couple of my patients at the same time asked me my educated opinion on the book medical medium. And not that I had time to read, but I was flying to a medical conference. I said, okay, well, if one, I could ignore. If three, like, I have to read it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:10:24]:

So I read it on the plane and almost fell off my chair, because, like, what if it’s Marlena? And so I actually. I actually had a colleague who was a medical intuitive, and I asked her, and she confirmed it. You know, it’s just, why did she develop it was that started with EBVDev. And I think Marlena has orchestrated a lot of things in my life moving forward. So I didn’t miss. I didn’t miss anything I was not supposed to miss. So while there’s absolutely no training whatsoever anywhere, I am the training now. There’s no train.

Karyn [00:11:01]:

You are.

Karyn [00:11:02]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:11:02]:

But there was this one instructor in my doctoral program, one. And he only did one semester with one class, and I was in that class afterwards. He was not rehired. And he talked about virology, not specifically ebv, but he, like, that was like that crack that not open for me clinically. And I started to look at things differently and pursue it. And so from that on, I just had to say, okay, if medical medium had this huge claim on the extreme left, and he says the spirit of compassion tells him what it is. And then there’s medical community. And I realize medical community has no current information whatsoever on this virus.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:11:49]:

What they’re doing clinically is so inappropriate that it’s almost like medical malpractice because the literature is there.

Karyn [00:11:59]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:11:59]:

So you have those two camps, and then in the middle you have thousands, probably millions of people falling through the cracks and getting worse and sometimes dying. And so I thought, well, what do we know? What can I solidly put in place for everyone? So maybe these start talking and people get better.

Karyn [00:12:21]:

And as it turns out, a lot, because you’ve written a book that is like, you can’t see me if you’re listening to the podcast. But turns out there’s a lot of information on EBV, because.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:12:34]:


Karyn [00:12:35]:

And in fact, where’s mine? Here it is.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:12:37]:

Right here I have it.

Karyn [00:12:39]:

What a book it is.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:12:41]:

What a book it is. A lot of book. I was just. Because I had to cut, you know, there was so much noise and there was so much misery in people with eBv. And, you know, so the first thing I. After that medical conference, the first thing I did is started to request testing and analyze medical literature about testing, testing, lab interpretation, what actually, how do we test what is appropriate and how to read it and all that stuff. And so. And I pursued it with my clinic, with my patients, and I was blown away because we started to see it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:13:15]:

And these were the tough cases. These were the people that, you know, were sick and tired, being sick and tired. Tell me what to do, I’ll do it. I just. I need my life back. Beautiful people.

Karyn [00:13:25]:

You know, I definitely want to get into the diagnosis part of it. I want to get into testing part of it. But before we even get there, let’s back up a little bit, because so many people will come to me and say, what is this Epstein Barr thing? Like, I keep hearing about it. I’m not sure. Like, let’s just even break it down. Let’s start there. As a lay person, right?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:13:47]:


Karyn [00:13:48]:

Listening. What is the Epstein Barr virus? And then I really want you to hone in on the difference between dormant and then reactivation later in life.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:13:58]:

Okay? So. Huh. The virus has been on the planet for 910 million years. So we, most of us are carriers. 95 plus percent of global population has it. And, you know, it doesn’t mean that we get sick. It’s just like parasites or candida, you know, that we just. We have all these residents.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:14:18]:

But it is an opportunistic virus that can be triggered when your body or your emotional state, your spiritual state, whatever piece of you, becomes very vulnerable in compromise. And for many reasons, many reasons. If you. So, for example, you’re very stressed, and you have chronic stress. Chronic stress causes depletion of nutrients, if your nutritional status drops, and then you eat junk food on top of that, that actually, in studies, you can see that can reactivate ebv. It feeds off that. It feeds off stress hormones, it feeds off deficiencies. Like, if you compromise this way.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:14:56]:

So there’s a lot of reasons why it can reactivate. And so oftentimes, people with chronic eBv, these are people that had trauma, that had a lot happen in their lives, that had, you know, a lot of surgeries, lots of losses, a lot of changes. I mean, that you pile it up in their life and it’s like, how did they even manage? But that’s where you can start. Yes, there’s typically a tipping point for the body.

Karyn [00:15:25]:

And so that’s where it would then, because it’s dormant, like you said, maybe I’ve read up to 95%. So you said 90, 95% have it, it’s dormant. But then something in their life happens, maybe a chain of things, like you’re saying multiple stressors, medical issues, and then it reactivates. And this is when it can become chronic.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:15:47]:

Yeah. So the, the infection typically is called mono. Mononucleosis, glandular fever in different countries. And so it’s the. And that’s the one form that is recognized in medical practice. And so typically you’re thrown in bed. It’s like the worst fluid of your life. You achy, you have malaise, you are in bed, and you may stay in bed for a few weeks.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:16:16]:

That’s typically, you know, that’s probably mono.

Karyn [00:16:18]:

Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:16:20]:

And the doctors, if you go to the doctors, like we have, old studies suggest 3 million documented, reported cases of mono a year in the states. Probably underreported, you know, because not everybody gets to the doctor when they’re so sick. They just stay in bed. So it should last about four, six weeks. And then, and that’s a misconception in medical community. You know, go rest. There’s nothing we can do. And then after a few weeks, you’ll be fine, and that’s the end of EBV.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:16:50]:

You’ll never get it again. That’s all right. That’s really wrong information. And so some people will do, you know, jump back on their feet and they’re fine, but there is a percentage that will not. And suddenly your baseline of your functionality has dropped. So if you were an athletic marathon runner, and we have those in our community, you can’t run anymore. You get too exhausted and you are bedridden again, like something happened, something shifted, and so suddenly you have to be careful with your energy, where you spend it. You don’t have reservoirs.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:17:26]:

You get, you know, you get tired easily, and then you get brain foggy, maybe achy. And it just is underlying something. And then you start pursuing different therapies and doctors and testing your heart out because, you know, something is off and you don’t know what it is, but not necessarily connecting to mono because your doctor told you mono is mono, you get mono, you don’t get it. Again, that’s it. You know, over. And anything in future with your health has nothing to do with that. And that’s also misinformation, not based on medical literature.

Karyn [00:17:59]:

Yeah. So much misinformation.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:18:02]:


Karyn [00:18:02]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:18:04]:

And so there is a concept in medical literature called chronic mononucleosis syndrome, and it really matches chronic fatigue syndrome. And I would say that probably majority cases of chronic fatigue is really ebvdev.

Karyn [00:18:21]:

Yes. Oh, my gosh, yes, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, so many illnesses are related to EBV. You go into many of these in your book. And I really, I want to focus on IBD and its correlation to EBV. But before we even get there, especially for the listener who doesn’t really understand the far reaching ness of this illness, can you just tell us just off the top of your head, just a few, what are some of these illnesses besides IBD that can be linked to ebvdev?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:18:53]:

Yes. Where do I start?

Karyn [00:18:56]:

I know, I know. I just asked you, like, this question that could last the whole podcast, but even just a few, because it’s crazy how far reaching it is.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:19:05]:

Yes. So there are. Okay, so one cluster is autoimmune disorders. Lupus is classic. Rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type one, Mas. Celiac, actually. And these are not correlating. These are really causation.

Karyn [00:19:29]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:19:30]:

Like. Yes. Celiac in particular, diabetes type one, we have studies on that. And IBD. Two, there’s a study specifically on how it’s turned on by the virus. There is a laundry list of oddball autoimmune disorders, common autoimmune disorders, and at some point I can go into pubmed. You know, these days, I don’t doubt. So if there is a new condition, I’m thinking I’m going to go to pubmed, like interstitial cystitis and ebv.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:20:05]:

And it’s really, I never thought of the connection, but there it is.

Karyn [00:20:10]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:20:11]:

So when I was writing the book, I actually had to stop, and IBD was the last thing I added because I was. This is very interesting because I was finishing the book, you know, and the book was so big, it’s like, you know, we have to get it out. And I’m thinking, well, I used to work with IBD, and why don’t I just check? I had no idea that I would find these studies and they would be so consistent. Like what? Yeah, and then there was one study in particular that was suggesting that some specific kind of Crohn’s disease is a misdiagnosed IBV as well. What?

Karyn [00:20:54]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:20:55]:

So, yeah, so it is. And then there is a cluster of types of cancer, lymphomas, Hodgkins, non Hodgkins, lots of cancers. There’s more studies on breast cancer. And breast cancer is pretty driven by toxic log, environmental toxins and ebv response, really, to environmental toxins, too. So I don’t know, they were looking at, you know, that the tumors were more aggressive. There was more to this cancer where EBV was there. They’re looking at correct rectal cancer, too. There are some associations so far.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:21:29]:

So all kinds of cancer, and then all kinds of weird presentations, you know, lymph nodes enlarged over sensitivity to mosquito bites, nosebleeds. I mean, there’s just a headaches. 75% of people with mono, in particular have headaches as a presentation, and people don’t realize it. And then you can have liver enlargement, you can have spleen involvement, you can have connective tissue involvement, vagus nerve involvement. It depends where, you know, encephalitis, you can. You can have the virus going to the brain vestibular nerve in the inner ear. That can cause vertigo, tinnitus. So you can have viral encephalitis.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:22:16]:

I mean, it’s. Can be in thyroid. So that’s your hashimoto’s? Hashimoto’s is common. That’s a common, common causative, you know, for. For hashimoto. So, yeah, so in many things. And functional medicine is failing because they’re pursuing the little things. So if somebody has three autoimmune disorders, if they don’t see that umbrella, they may pursue things like therapeutic diets that are unnecessary because they’re not really hitting the virus.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:22:52]:

And so if you work with a virus, you can expand on the diet and have more nourishment rather than being stuck on a highly therapeutic and highly restrictive diet. There’s interesting.

Karyn [00:23:04]:

So we’re used to the western doctors failing us, but you’re saying even functional medicine doctors are missing the boat here and going in direction. Yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:23:15]:

Unless I train them, I don’t know what they’re doing. And so the problem is, if you go to a functional doctor and they know a little bit about it, they will throw at you everything. They will combine antiviral medication, homeopathy, botanicals, so herbs and supplements, and typically the typical. I have a, I actually am doing a lecture at a medical conference, and I’m going to use this quote because it’s so common. I love my nd. We’ve been working on EBV for two years, and I’m 25% better. It’s like, what? So it’s like a real, it’s a little bit like c boy, you know? Yeah. Going and going and swinging around.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:24:00]:


Karyn [00:24:00]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:24:00]:

They’re not hitting another wall. And, you know, they’re throwing ozone therapy, iv vitamin c therapy, you know, red light therapy, whatever. And people will travel and, and wait in line to see a dog, famous doctor for four, six months, as sick as they are, because there’s a glimpse of hope that they will do something. And then it’s very expensive. And at the end of it, somebody was saying they were doing ozone therapy or hydrogen peroxide therapy. Right. $1,000 for three months. And, and then apparently they are the 10% that doesn’t respond like, oh, my gosh.

Karyn [00:24:42]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:24:43]:

So I had to pursue, I have to follow the science. I had to follow the medical studies. That’s all I had to foundation. So it’s black and white. This is what it is. And so if people have ebv, the process I created is solid because it’s just, I’ve seen it. I see what it does. It has.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:25:03]:

If you have ebv, it has to work. There’s no other.

Karyn [00:25:06]:

Based on the research.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:25:08]:

All based on the research.

Karyn [00:25:09]:

So what they’re doing is basically throwing spaghetti at a wall and just seeing what sticks.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:25:14]:

Yes. Because, you know, like, common thing in, in supplement industry is, you know, the more the better. No.

Karyn [00:25:23]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:25:23]:

I just talked to a new student in our program. She was on about 50 supplements, including a lot of those being essential oils.

Karyn [00:25:31]:

Oh, my goodness.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:25:32]:

And my concern was like, how’s your liver doing? This is too much the body. Well, funny that you say I have non alcoholic fatty liver. We have to remove all that and only focus on these things that we know work for ebv and start building you up.

Karyn [00:25:51]:

Are you, like many of us with Crohn’s and colitis, turning to food to help heal your gut, but feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of gut healing diets out there? Gluten free, dairy free, paleo SCD gaps. And that’s just naming a few. It can be so confusing, frustrating, and leave you feeling disheartened about which diet is the right fit for you. And trust me, I was there until I created the best tool to help me figure this out. Now, maybe you’ve tried a diet or two only to give up quickly because you couldn’t figure out what to eat. Or maybe the plan was just too strict for you to follow. Here’s something you won’t hear from the so called food gurus. There isn’t one single diet that works for everyone.

Karyn [00:26:39]:

I don’t care which diet it is. And the best diet for you isn’t just about your symptoms. It’s also about your lifestyle and your personality. Why start a diet based solely on your IBD symptoms only to abandon it a week later because it doesn’t fit your life. If you’re ready to discover which gut healing diet is the perfect fit for you based on your unique needs and your current stage in life, then you need my ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz. Head over to quiz to access this free resource. Remember, there is no one size fits all, best cut healing diet, but there is the one best diethye for you. Find out what you’re meant to be eating to help put your IBD in its place.

Karyn [00:27:28]:

Got three minutes? That is all you need. Go to quiz. That’s quiz. Answer a few simple questions and get your personalized quiz results immediately. Now let’s get back to the show.

Karyn [00:27:47]:

So many different illnesses related to it. And then the problem being that when you go to your doctor, they’re throwing just everything at it, not really following the research, not having a honed in approach. Well, when it comes to Crohn’s and colitis. And the reason why I really wanted to talk to you is because, I don’t know why, but there is now an abundance of people, my clients, that come to me and say, you know, I think I might have ebv. And I went to my doctor and they said, oh, either I got the brush off, no, you couldn’t possibly have that. You have IBD. You couldn’t have EBV too. Or they did the testing.

Karyn [00:28:24]:

Well, it’s dormant. You don’t have it, right?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:28:27]:

You had it in the past. Yeah.

Karyn [00:28:28]:

Yeah, exactly. You just had it in the past. And so I just started researching and researching and I’ve seen different research studies. So what I’m wondering is what really is coming first here? Is it the chicken or the egg? I’ve seen research that says EBV leads to an IBD diagnosis. Then I’ve seen research that says when you have IBD, you are at greater risk for ebv reactivation. What is it? What is coming first?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:28:59]:

I think EBv may be first. And I think the reason why in your community, you may be seeing and hearing more of EBV now is because medical medium has put the topic on the table, which is great. People are talking, people are seeing it. Maybe my book is there, you know, I don’t know. I’ve had some podcasts and stuff like that. But then I feel like if you. If you just get into that, I think this is what will happen. If you just have a diagnosis of IBD right now, like, you haven’t had it for 30 years, you’re just starting.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:29:38]:

And if you can pursue EBV at this point, I think there is a great chance that you could have a turnaround before the damage is done. It’s like it’s way, way on its way. So I’ve been thinking about our conversation. Like, we could even create a small group and try that and see with people that are new to IBD how far we can take it and see if we can help them. Like, if we can create a new pattern. Because in my community, I work with a lot of people with IBV, but people with IBD are not, not coming. So we don’t have that subdivide sub population. So I can’t really talk to that here today.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:30:22]:

But I’m thinking, well, we would have a great opportunity if we had like a pilot, ten in a group and worked together for a few months. Would be amazing to see would be.

Karyn [00:30:33]:

I will definitely mention that to my community because there are people that are just recently diagnosed and it would be interesting to get them the ebv testing to see where are things at for them.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:30:44]:

Yeah, we can totally have analyzing their results, get together and educate. Yes, that would be really fun.

Karyn [00:30:54]:

We would definitely further the research because I know that I’ve been looking at it. There is some research, there’s a lot of research, but there needs to be more in this area in particular.

Karyn [00:31:06]:

Hey there, it’s Karen interrupting this juicy conversation for just a quick second. I wanted to let you know I talked with Kasia after the episode, and she confirmed that she’s absolutely willing to work with a small cohort of newly diagnosed IBD patients to see if EBV may have been a factor leading to your diagnosis, and this would be a great way to help your own understanding of your illness, but also a good way to further the global understanding of both EBV as well as IBD. So if you were recently diagnosed with IBD, let’s say one year ago or less, and you’re also interested in finding out what role EBV may have played in your diagnosis and more importantly, what treatments might help your symptoms, go ahead and email me that’s I will put you in touch with Kasia and her team to see about working together. This is a huge opportunity. It’s so nice of her to offer this to our community, so definitely don’t pass this up if you’re new to IBD and feel free to let others know as well because I will put them in touch too.

Karyn [00:32:27]:

The email to let me know if you’re interested is let’s see what we can do to further these diagnoses together.

Karyn [00:32:38]:

And speaking of research, I’m a total research nerd. You know, when people, like, curl up with a good book, I like to curl up with study because. And just kind of, like, suss it out. Is this because we know there’s so many bad studies out there, right? What the heck? Who paid for that stupid study?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:32:55]:

Did they even have any? Yeah.

Karyn [00:32:58]:

And that’s where you have to start, is who actually paid for this study? But I love to do that. So I was reading this scientific review, and maybe you’ve read it, too. It’s linking. It’s about ebv and IBD research. Just a scientific overview. It was in frontiers of immunology. Okay, so there’s this quote that I would love for you to help me unpack. All right, here’s the quote.

Karyn [00:33:20]:

I love this. So inpatients with IBD and opportunistic EBV, latent eBV. So we’re talking about non active EBV can transform into EBV related colitis, lymphoperifelative disease. So like lymphatic diseases and occasionally lymphoma. So cancer. This transformation, here’s the key part here, is likely related to long term immunosuppressants or biologics and chronic inflammation itself. Can you please help us break this down? This possible relationship between common IBD meds, ebv, and then some pretty serious health complications. Is there truth? Is this true?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:34:03]:

Yes. So there was another study that looked at IBD and EBV, suggesting, look, the immunosup, if people have EBD because of the virus, the immunosuppressive suppressive therapy is probably not the direction to go. The immunosuppression is an open door to reactivating the virus. And so, so in my community, for example, I can ask this question, did you ever have to take corticosteroids for any reason? And if the answer is yes, I will ask and say, did you feel like you’ve been hit? You were hit by a truck? Because with immunosuppressant medication, you may have a honeymoon when you feel elated, like, whoa, I am cured. But that’s just, you’re turning off the immune response and then you tank. That’s the presentation, ebv, then you’re going to chunk. And because the ebv has open doors, like, immune cells are all stopped, I can do what I want. Immune system is keeping ebv in check like any other pathogens, parasites, you know, any, any bugs we’re co hosting.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:35:25]:

So, yes, so there are studies suggesting that, you know, you have to know where that IBD comes from. Interpret the lab correctly, which I can’t wait to talk to you about for your community. So they will forever know.

Karyn [00:35:39]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:35:40]:

And then you really need to be careful where you’re going with it because the immunosuppressive medications are really life altering in themselves.

Karyn [00:35:49]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:35:49]:

And calm with. It’s a heavy cost on the body.

Karyn [00:35:52]:

Oh, absolutely. And it’s a, you know, is it worth it? You know, you kind of have to weigh all of that depending on where the disease is.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:35:58]:

You need them for life. Life threatening situations. In emergency, you need them. That’s when you need them short term.

Karyn [00:36:05]:

Right, right. And the problem is, especially with IBD, it’s, you’re on this for life once you start, you’re on it for life. But what’s happening is before they’re going on the medication, they’re always tested for tb. So I’m wondering if it should be standard of care for testing for ebv before you go on this. Oh, this is huge. Yes, yes. Yeah, this is really big. This is going to be big news for people to hear.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:36:33]:

It’s big news. However, it takes, what, 17 years for medical information from, from studies to actually trickle into medical practice and use it. So I think your community needs to advocate, like, I ask women what to ask their doctors to test for. Thyroid, for example, because that’s also a hot mess. In tragedy. So your community needs to advocate and expect the doctor to add ebv panel, tell them exactly which panel, and in the worst case scenario, go to a consumer direct lab because they do exist, pay out of pocket, get it done and get the report in two days and have it black and white without the doctor messing up the panel because that happened.

Karyn [00:37:25]:

Right. Okay. So let’s actually, let’s get into that now. Now that you, I was going to do that a little bit later, but let’s, since you brought it up, let’s talk about it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:37:31]:


Karyn [00:37:32]:

So testing, you mentioned in your book about testing, getting the right testing because so many people are getting testing that is useless. Right. And so, yeah, so I want to get into, when you want to get tested, what are the tests that you should request? Because that’s what patients need to do. They need to go to their doctor and say, here, this, like, let me just give you this piece of paper. This is what I want. That’s the only way to get what you need. You just say here, this is what I want. And then how do they make sure that they have this definitive diagnosis and if they don’t have a doctor? I know I’m giving you a lot of questions, but you already alluded to it.

Karyn [00:38:07]:

You can actually go on your own and get the testing. So talk to us about testing.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:38:12]:

Yes. What should we know? Yeah. So people don’t know that you can, you can test independently whatever you need, ladies and gentlemen. You don’t have to beg your doctor and wait three months to see a functional doctor because you want a particular test. And then I mess it up for you and then you paid them and it’s a mess and you just wasted three months. So we actually have a link to a consumer direct. They created the panels for us. So, you know, I know what they give.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:38:43]:

They don’t mess it up. So, you know, you can’t, you can do that. Totally. So the problem with the lab testing is when do you go and test your lab? So, because if you just go now, you probably, the result will look like you had infection in the past and not now.

Karyn [00:39:05]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:39:06]:

So I have to explain that there are four antibodies that I want you to test. I don’t want you to test PCR, which is the DNA. You’re not going to find DNA in the bloodstream. The virus doesn’t live in the bloodstream.

Karyn [00:39:20]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:39:21]:

It only lives in the bloodstream when it spills out of the cells. It’s called lysine and travels. And this is where people reactivate when they really, really, like, on their back.

Karyn [00:39:33]:

In bed, traveling to their organs, right?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:39:35]:

Yes. Because it’s looking for b cells to infect. These B cells will be in your thyroid, here, there, you know, but they don’t even.

Karyn [00:39:43]:

Haven’t they found ebv in the mucosal lining of people with ibDan?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:39:49]:

I don’t remember that. You probably know more studies on IVD than I do.

Karyn [00:39:54]:

I feel like I read that in a study that they have found it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:39:59]:

I wouldn’t be surprised. Yes. But it’s going to go after cells and live inside the cells, so not like in the bloodstream. Four antibodies, three of them are igg and one of them is igM. Okay? So if you. If you talk to any medical doctor, igg to them is fast exposure. Igm is current exposure. It doesn’t work this way with ebv.

Karyn [00:40:26]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:40:27]:

Okay, so I need you to see igG, igM, the igM, the one igm in the panel. This typically becomes elevated if this is your initial infection.

Karyn [00:40:41]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:40:42]:

When you have reactivation. Reactivation, reactivation. We have chronic ebv that will be normal. So pretty much guaranteed igm is normal. Squatch. Squatch. And this is where your doctor says, well, this is normal. This is only your past has nothing to do with what you’re dealing with.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:41:02]:

But that’s not correct. This is counterintuitive. So if doctors don’t read medical literature on EBV, particularly in particular, they will think I’m looking for IGN for current infection. If it’s normal, you don’t have reactivation. I have very few cases when igm is always elevated, and that’s more of a complicated situation. So let’s scratch that for now because typically 99% of the cases will be normal. So you have three iggs. Okay.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:41:37]:

Yeah. Out of three iggs, if you forget everything else, you need to just remember early antigen. Ea. Early antigen is igG, but that’s the one. That’s the one that pops up when you have first infection, but it pops up when you reactivate. Every time you reactivate, it should pop up. Okay, so if it pop ups. So let’s say the.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:42:05]:

The ranges from zero to nine. If you have ten. Yep, yep, yep. It doesn’t have to be like 300.

Karyn [00:42:12]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:42:13]:

With early antigen, you don’t have to have triple digits. You don’t have to have like, you know, 50, 70. The highest I see is like, what was it, 282? Extremely high. In terms of early antigen, it doesn’t go like, to 900 or 600, like it’s typically, you know, 2030 50, and that’s still positive. People are still sick. So early antigen is the one that labs typically don’t put in the panel. So even when you ask your doctor for ebv panel, if they don’t know, they’ll get the three others. But this will be missing.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:42:51]:

And this is where you do not have the whole case. You don’t know what you have because there’s two others. These are tagged for life. Both of these are elevated in my life, but I’m living my life. So when you have chronic ebv, these will not be zero. And if you recover for ebv, these will not go back to zero. We’re tagged for life. But as you reactivate, they will fluctuate, reactivate fracture.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:43:20]:

And if you work on ebv, like, if you’re doing the protocol, they will be dropping numbers. And sometimes they are, like, over the range. So if the range is 600, it will tell you more than 600. So if both of these can be triple digits, even though the range may be zero to nine. So these two can be like. So if. If you go beyond, like, more than 600 or more likes more than 750, so it’s going above the range. You don’t know if it’s 751 or 7000.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:43:54]:

So the point of these two is if either one of them is above the range that, like, the numbers are not even given because it’s too high. If eventually they drop. So you have the number, let’s say 598. Huge success. People don’t realize that it’s starting to drop and fluctuate, drop, fluctuate, drop, fluctuate, drop. So maybe from 500 to 400 or to 300, that indicates that you’re doing something right.

Karyn [00:44:25]:

Okay, that’s good to know. Okay.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:44:27]:

But it will fluctuate with early antigen reactivation. Reactivation. Now, so that’s the two. So early antigen. This one. The problem with it is you have to catch it. When you reactivate, it’s only like two, three weeks. You can miss it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:44:43]:

And this is why, when early antigen is normal, I give you an example. I was training practitioners, and my colleague, fellow nutritionist, was in my program, and she says I have a classic presentation. I’m pretty sure cbv, everything fits. The only problem is, when she tested, early antigen was normal.

Karyn [00:45:06]:

It just wasn’t the right time.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:45:08]:

Yeah, she has hashimoto. She has this fatigue. Da da da da da da. When did she test? January. So my question was, when did she feel like she was hit by a truck thanksgiving gotcha. Thanksgiving is stressful.

Karyn [00:45:24]:

Yes, that’s right.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:45:25]:

So by the time, by the time she tested the early on to January. So the. The lysing already stopped. And then you are in the latent stage, which is between reactivation, which actually is very active for the virus. The latent state is more important for the virus than lysing because lysine. So when you look at studies, the virus depends on latent stage more because the b cells keep replicating during the latent stage. Yes. So they kind of are immortalized.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:46:06]:

So the. It’s cloning, the new virus are growing inside. It’s like. So it’s like this perpetuation. The lysing is the reactivation when you are thrown in bed, is when the virus are ready to spill out of those infected cells and they travel in the bloodstream and they’re looking for condo to move in.

Karyn [00:46:30]:

Which organ can I move to?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:46:32]:

Which organ is it going to be? Yes. And so the point is that you have to know the tools to keep everything in check and to make sure that between reactivations, you immobilizing all these processes.

Karyn [00:46:49]:

Yeah. And so they don’t replicate.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:46:52]:

So you stole all this and it’s like.

Karyn [00:46:54]:

Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. So just for people who are listening, who are maybe because I. My podcast is, you know, a lot of people listen, but mostly moms. And so they. Maybe they’re driving in the car or they’re doing some house chores and they can’t. Or they’re at work and they can’t write this down. There’s somewhere on your website, right, that has a link so that they can just say, because I know they trust you, so they’ll just say, cautious dad, I should do this.

Karyn [00:47:19]:

So this is what I’m going to do. So where do they go on your website to just get this information?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:47:24]:

There are. So we created a website where we only provide factual information with references that are clickable. So you can go to Pubmed. But on our homepage, we have two things that you can do. Number one, there is a button. Test your ebv, and you don’t have to use that lab, but you can test on that link. And you will see that there’s different panels that the company created. And there is a panel for ebv.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:47:54]:

And you can write down those four markers. They’re right there. You’re going to see three igg and one igm. That’s all you need. But if you are like, if you’re like Karen and you want to dissect it. Then at the very bottom, there’s a list of pages listed, like different topics. And one of the page is labs. And if you click on that page, I have an entire page analyzing different lab results.

Karyn [00:48:27]:

Oh, wow.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:48:28]:

When you go to this page, there’s a pop up. And the pop up invites you to a free video that I did with whiteboard and color markers. When I draw those four antibodies and explain it to you, it’s about 15 minutes. This was a Facebook live and it’s completely free. You have to say, yeah, I want it. We’ll send you the. And then you can really educate yourself and your doctor. You are bulletproof.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:48:57]:

Nobody can question you. This is what it is. This is how it is. This is research. This is solid. So you can always go to that and watch that. And kind of the colors are important in the book. I couldn’t show the colors, unfortunately.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:49:12]:

It’s black and white. But so even if you have the.

Karyn [00:49:15]:

Book, go check this out. I mean, so many people who listen are like me, and they want the real skinny and they want to really get it. So if you want to go in depth, it’s beautiful because Kasia has this as well. So you can just get, these are the four tests I need, and just bring them to the doctor or bring them to the lab. Or you can go more in depth and figure out the why behind all of it, because she has all of that. So I love that.

Karyn [00:49:40]:

Thanks so much for tuning into the cheeky podcast for moms with IBD today. The great information we’re dishing out on this pod is exactly the same type of, of conversations I get to have with my clients every day. If you’re ready to take your IBD healing journey to the next level and move into being the mom you always dreamed you’d be, hop on over to consult and book your free IBD consultation with me. Remember, my mom had to be a little bit different and spell my name with a y. So it’s on our call. We’ll dive into what you’re struggling with most right now and make a plan for how we can work together to help you achieve your big, bold, beautiful, life transforming goals. No more sitting on the sidelines waiting for that miracle cure to magically happen.

Karyn [00:50:33]:

You’ve got what it takes to do this right now, mama. You just need a little nudge in that right direction, and I’ve got your back. and now back to the show.

Karyn [00:50:44]:

So let’s say, now we know we’ve gone through it, we know we have this diagnosis. I know that you talk about how unfortunately there is no magic pill. It’s not like you can say, well, you have ebv, take this one pill, even take a 30 day supply and you’re going to be cured. There is none of that, unfortunately, as we all know, with a lot of chronic illnesses. So it sounds like this. Well, maybe I’m wrong. There’s a lot of starting places, but you talk a lot about supplements, and that, again, is on your website. There are several supplements that you recommend that people take when EVB is a factor in their life.

Karyn [00:51:22]:

But I, and I know people can go and see that, but there’s a couple that I wanted to ask you about specifically. One of them is selenium. Yeah, I love this because I feel like selenium is one of the most underrated nutrients that people just don’t talk about. So besides the fact that were mostly depleted in selenium, why do you recommend selenium for ebv?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:51:47]:

So what you’re talking about is on our website, we have a link to supplement website and I created a bundle, we call it ultimate bundle for ebv. And that’s where you start. And selenium is in it. In order to get to the bundle, the supplement had to meet many criteria. For me, selenium does meet those criteria. It has to be an antioxidant because ebv creates a massive, colossal numbers of oxy, free radicals, lots of oxidative stress damaging the cells. It has to be a multitasker. Selenium has so much value.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:52:33]:

Selenium will help create for you. It nourishes the thyroid. Thyroid cannot support you without selenium. And it is depleted in soil. We’re not getting enough from food because the soil doesn’t have enough. Selenium is an anti ebv. It has specific pathways in which turns off the virus. So it has all those benefits, but the magic is in the dosage.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:53:04]:

We go pretty aggressive. We go as aggressive as clinically, you know, shown in medical research, and that’s what it takes. So in, on the website, I obviously don’t disclose that because I don’t want people to hurt themselves and do it on their own.

Karyn [00:53:22]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:53:22]:

But even 200 micrograms can make a huge difference, especially for women. It’s the thyroid, it’s the liver support. It’s a lot of stuff. So when, so what we created is I want to educate and empower people. So on our supplement website, every member of the bundle, including the selenium. When you have the selenium product, you have a video training on selenium that I did.

Karyn [00:53:56]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:53:57]:

I love that I explained that. And then under that we have an infographic, like a graphic with summaries and when to use it, when not to use it, you know, so it highlights all the benefits within EBV and outside of EBV because I need people to understand and be empowered and know why they’re using something so they are motivated, because it’s not a quick fix. You know, you have to stay on it and drill it down deeper into the cell. Yeah.

Karyn [00:54:27]:

I love this part of your website. I really just want to highlight it because if you’re thinking about this at all in your life, go to this website, go to this supplement section, because you break it down like I’ve never seen before. So not only do you talk about the supplement and just the generalities, but then there’s a YouTube, a short, it’s not a long, it’s a short YouTube clip that tells about the supplement and why you want to use it for EBV. And then you’re. And then you even have the infographic that even breaks it down further. So everybody needs to see this. That’s why I said we don’t have to go into all of them. Because if you really want to know about Doctor Kyne’s protocol, you can go there.

Karyn [00:55:06]:

But I just wanted to ask you some questions specifically. So the other one I wanted to ask you about is vitamin C. That’s part of the protocol as well. And I know that you mentioned iv vitamin C, so I’m curious. And then you say that it isn’t really for everybody. There are some people that it isn’t for. Would that be a good way to go, you know, right into the vein, the iv type of c for somebody with IBD. Right? Don’t know.

Karyn [00:55:35]:

Don’t know. Yeah. Okay. That’s okay.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:55:36]:

I’m so the problem is a little deeper.

Karyn [00:55:42]:

Yeah. Okay.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:55:43]:

You don’t develop chronic EBV. And also you don’t develop IBD if you’re living your life, if you’re walking your walk, if you’re seeking your truth, if you say no when you need to, if you have good boundaries, if you are just solid in your life. Right. There’s something that makes you vulnerable in this life and this is why you get. It gets in your gut. Right.

Karyn [00:56:08]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:56:09]:

So when we’re looking for a solution for something like that, EBV and IBD we’re looking for a solution for the whole person. Who am I? What happened to me in my life?

Karyn [00:56:21]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:56:22]:

You had to do that?

Karyn [00:56:23]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:56:24]:

It’s not just iv. You can go and, you know, I have people go to iv therapy, they get vitamin C, they pay for it, they feel better for a few days, they go home and then it weans all, you know, it stops working, they have to go back. So it’s like a crutch. Do they have any empowerment? No. Do they have the tools they can use at home? No. What if the doctor retires? What do they do? This is not a sustainable tool. And yes, vitamin C IV doesn’t work for everyone. The doctor needs to test you for a particular enzyme that you may be lacking.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:57:02]:

And if you lack that, enzymes and do IV therapy with vitamin C, that is threatening, life threatening. That can be very dangerous. And people can get really sick. You can literally like, lyse your blood cells.

Karyn [00:57:14]:

And I haven’t heard of this, but I was reading about it in. Maybe it was on your website. G six PD is the name of this enzyme, correct.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:57:22]:

They should know that enzyme. They should, they should. This will be part of the protocol for any doctor that uses vitamin C therapy, IV therapy, they know that they need to test that.

Karyn [00:57:32]:

That’s interesting that you say that they should know, but I have had IV therapy at various places, you know, pre surgery or this or that or tired or whatever, and nobody has said to me, you should be tested for this enzyme. And these are at functional, well, like good clinics. So I’m gonna have to bring this information to my doctor and say, why have I not been tested for this?

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:57:56]:

Awesome, awesome, awesome. That is exciting. Yes.

Karyn [00:57:59]:

Go, go do it. Yeah, yeah. For sure.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:58:02]:

So, you know, it’s like you said, if people have cancer and surgeries, this is vitamins. Vitamin C IV is great, but in terms of recovery from chronic illness, it is helpful temporarily, but it doesn’t give you any tools. It’s not empowering, it’s not. You know, what I have to teach people is if you need to change this, you have to change your life. You have to change the concept of yourself, of how, what you say, what you don’t, what you do, what you don’t, when you delegate, when you have to say no and mean, it boundaries. Yeah.

Karyn [00:58:37]:

It’s bigger than just a supplement. It’s really. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:58:43]:

So I don’t know about your community, but within ebv community, you know, like every species has, based on studies, about 20% within every species are empathetic. Individuals. But in my communion, it’s like 90, 95.

Karyn [00:58:58]:

That’s right. That’s right. Yes.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:59:00]:

It’s probably similar in your community. These are the people with a heart on their sleeve.

Karyn [00:59:04]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [00:59:05]:

That works against you because you’re over giving, overdoing, overachiever.

Karyn [00:59:10]:

Perfectionist. I can’t. It doesn’t make sense. But I’ve been doing this work since 2010. I have not met. I’ve worked with hundreds of women. Not. Not one of them didn’t fit this profile.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:59:23]:


Karyn [00:59:24]:

Overachiever, empath. Anxiety leads to the anxiety. Overdoing. Trying to be the best. Right.

Dr. Kasia Kines [00:59:30]:

All of it overcompensating. So, ladies and gentlemen, I’ll say, I’ll drop a bomb on you when you strip everything, all the therapies, you know, counseling. And if you look really at the. The one sentence I can say that probably is leading to all of this is the bottom of it, is you don’t feel you’re enough. There’s something in your upbringing in life that was telling you this information. You’re not enough. You have to do something to be enough.

Karyn [01:00:02]:

That is huge.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:00:04]:

That is huge.

Karyn [01:00:05]:

Simple, but huge. Huge. I really hope that people are just taking that in and listening to it. I relate to that. It resonates with me completely. I mean, I’m a work in progress. I continue to work on that constantly. I don’t think I’ll ever be completely healed.

Karyn [01:00:25]:

I always work on it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:00:26]:

It’s a human condition. But when you realize that, okay, I actually am enough today, and I don’t have to tell my boss, I’m gonna work after hours on Fridays. So, you know, it’s like, I remember one of my students said, I’m gonna go. So we had that conversation. I’m gonna go to my boss and tell him. So she was a paralegal, and she said, I just wanted to tell you I will not work on Fridays. I signed up for part time, and that’s what it is. I will not.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:00:54]:

You know, if you need more, I’m gonna walk away. And the beautiful thing, ladies and gentlemen, is when you step into your boundaries and your power, people really respond to it. Oh, my gosh. I totally get it. Nope. No more Fridays. You are so good. I so appreciate your work.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:01:11]:

I want to keep it. Don’t go.

Karyn [01:01:12]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:01:13]:

She goes. Finally.

Karyn [01:01:14]:

Speak up. Yes. When you step into your power and you.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:01:20]:

Because you feel. You feel you’re enough, you can do that.

Karyn [01:01:24]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:01:24]:

That’s the human condition. This is the. You know, this is the thing. So I feel like the empathetic community are the healers, the canaries in the mind. And if we can turn this around, and I have goosebumps now, my biggest job in my community is not to just help them physically, but to help them with this journey so they are empowered and they start shining their life and walking their walk and doing the advocacy and I practicing what they came here to do, you know, being of service and shining their light. There’s nothing better on this planet than to do that. And if you heal those parts of you and you are able to do it, you know, the physical parts, they have to heal. I would believe that they have to heal.

Karyn [01:02:14]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:02:14]:

And if they heal only to a certain degree, then you know what you have and you ride with it. You are peace, but you know who you are.

Karyn [01:02:23]:

Oh, gosh, that’s huge, too. Yes, yes. Yep. At some point, just knowing. Yes. What is it? But just bringing. Yeah. Having peace with what is rather than what I wish was.

Karyn [01:02:37]:

And I’ve had to work on that myself as well.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:02:39]:

Yeah, yeah. With IBD, I think that’s a big one because, yeah, you can’t always reverse engineer it. Like with ebv. Straightforward, just eBv. Like, if you have ebv alone without any bucket full, like IBD is a bucket, you know, you have this. If you have straightforward ebv, you will recover and you will live your life. So you are, you know, it’s easier, but if you have IBD, at some point, there’s some damage done and you just have to work with that.

Karyn [01:03:07]:

But you, especially if you’ve had surgeries like me. So, yeah, I have to work with what is, you know, I can’t. I can’t put that intestine back. So, you know, you can thrive.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:03:19]:

You can still thrive with it.

Karyn [01:03:20]:

That’s right.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:03:21]:

You can totally thrive.

Karyn [01:03:23]:

Yeah, yeah. By being at peace with what is. This is a really great place to wrap up, but I just want to add that I got to show this book one more time because we’ve only really scratched the surface here. There’s so much in here. We haven’t got into food, we haven’t got into lifestyle, which is so huge. Well, we just did a little bit detoxification, having metals. I mean, just a wealth of information. So the biggest takeaway here is to get the right testing.

Karyn [01:03:57]:

Get the right testing. Now, you mentioned at the top that, you know, if you’re just diagnosed with IBD, that’s the time to get the testing. But let’s say you’re like me and you’ve had it for 35 plus years. Is it still valuable to get tested or only if you’re symptomatic at that point?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:04:16]:

I don’t know. I mean, if you want to test, you know, if you want to test with a purpose, then you want to test. If you’re curious, then you want to test now when your functions are where you are and when you have the lab report, you know, I would write on it like I tested it when I felt, you know, stable, you know, my typical, you know, functionality. Maybe like seven out of ten normal.

Karyn [01:04:43]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:04:44]:

And then when something happens and you start going down, you test right there and then without waiting. And then, you know, you have your lab results and you write on it. You know, I test it when I talked because something happened, you know, there was a divorce or something, and then you look at the markers and see what you see.

Karyn [01:05:03]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:05:04]:

Because otherwise, if you test at one time, what does it give you? You probably will have normal igm, you probably will have early antigen normal, and the two will probably be elevated. But you need context, right.

Karyn [01:05:18]:

So it’s not one and done, right? Not one and done. Yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:05:22]:

I can have the same result, two different people, two different circumstances, and two different, like, background information and two different conversations based on similar presentation in labs. So that’s it. That’s the trickier part.

Karyn [01:05:36]:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I like that you mentioned that because it’s important to know. I feel like earlier you were talking about testing and saying that, retesting and retesting to see where you’re at at different times during treatment. So it’s. Yeah, it’s kind of like Sibo or Lyme disease or. You know what I mean? You don’t just test once. And so many doctors make that mistake, especially with, well, you tested positive. Let me give you some antibiotics and then you’re done.

Karyn [01:06:06]:

So it’s kind of like that. It’s like you have to continually be on it and retest and see where you’re at when different life events happen.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:06:14]:

To understand the patterns. Yes.

Karyn [01:06:16]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:06:16]:

I want to bring one more point before we go because it’s a low hanging fruit and people, and I remember when I was writing my book, I asked Doctor Pizorna, who was the founder of Basturia University, he’s brilliant and brilliant in toxicology. I asked him to review my book and his only observation was not to talk about EMF because there’s not enough validation in research and I’m going to be criticized for it. I didn’t follow his idea, but I have to tell you, over the years, this is the lowest hanging fruit. We have to have a Wi Fi hygiene. I am. I ask every person coming in. I have a quiz, so I know what people are doing and I know the trends. And one of the most alarming trends is that people are using their phone as alarm clock.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:07:05]:

It’s unacceptable that people are using earpiece that is wireless. It’s unacceptable. Please don’t do that. That people, though, are not aware that I have a smart meter and they don’t do anything about that. Please remove that or put it in a Faraday box. It’s not expensive. It’s easy to find. And then your wifi router, get a kill switch so you can turn it off with a button before you go to bed and put it in a Faraday box.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:07:36]:

These things will really help your cells regenerate and work because you’re inundated on cellular level with radiation.

Karyn [01:07:47]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:07:48]:

It’s huge.

Karyn [01:07:49]:

Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:07:50]:

It’s huge. And it is very detrimental. This stuff reactivates cbv and people, like, people are stewing in it, and they have no, they have no idea.

Karyn [01:08:02]:

It may be your headaches or it may be the cause of your joint. I mean, you have no idea how it’s impacting you. Yeah, I need to do more. So I’m glad that you mentioned that, because I’ve done some of those things, but I definitely need to do more. And I know there’s a whole chapter in that, in your book as well.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:08:21]:

You know, it’s an old book, so there’s. There’s simple solutions these days that were not available then. Oh, good.

Karyn [01:08:27]:

So there’s even updates. Yeah, gotcha.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:08:29]:

Yeah, I mean, you know, like I told you, you can get, you can, you can clean that up. I mean, you can get an earpiece called air tube. So there’s air in the tube, so there’s absolutely no effect on the brain when you have, you know, the. The earpiece that you have.

Karyn [01:08:47]:

Like the one I have right here. Yeah, exactly. And I’m thinking, well, I don’t have the wireless ones, so I’m doing much better, but it’s still an inch an issue, huh?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:08:58]:

Yeah. You still have a little bit of. A little bit going to the brain.

Karyn [01:09:02]:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotcha.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:09:04]:

Anyway, so. Yeah, yeah, take a look at that. Especially if you have kids, because kids, their brains are still developing. It’s very dangerous technology. I’m not a parent. If my kids had phones, I would not be able to look at them. Hold that next to the brain, there’s studies on that, there’s brain tumors. I know of young women that died because they always, one woman always carried her phone in one particular place.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:09:34]:

She developed cancer right there. She died. It’s like people are not hearing about research, but it’s there. There’ve been studies, there have been illegal against tech companies, against the technology. So it’s a big deal.

Karyn [01:09:52]:

Yeah, it really is. It really is.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:09:54]:

Yeah. Moms are listening. Moms, you have to, you know, figure something out.

Karyn [01:09:59]:

Yes, exactly. Do what you can. I mean, they’re here to stay, but let’s do what we can to make everything as safe as possible. Now, this podcast, just, if you have just a couple minutes. This podcast is oftentimes we go deep and it’s kind of down because we talk about really serious things. So I like to end on a positive note, if you don’t mind, just a really quick lightning round, just some super quick questions, and they’re fun and light and easy. Is that okay with you?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:10:26]:

Oh, yeah.

Karyn [01:10:27]:

Okay, here we go. So what is your favorite go to healthy snack?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:10:32]:

My go to healthy snack? I would say apples or pears.

Karyn [01:10:39]:

Oh, yum. Yeah, yeah. Especially when they’re in season, right? You can’t beat it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:10:43]:

Pears in season.

Karyn [01:10:44]:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. What is the one supplement that you can’t live without?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:10:53]:

That would probably be a combination of adaptogenic herbs. Because I have a lot of stress and so I just have to manage, you know, lifestyle isn’t what it is. It’s taxing on the body, so it’s a little buffer for me. It’s a combo of adaptive drink herbs.

Karyn [01:11:10]:

Yep. Okay, awesome. What’s your favorite form of exercise or movement? Exercise or movement. What do you like the best?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:11:18]:

Well, surprise, surprise, the exercise that I love is my walking meditation, scooping poop for my three horses. I do it every day. That’s so bad. Actually, I’m developing a little thing here that’s so great.

Karyn [01:11:34]:

Good for your muscles, but also good for your soul.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:11:37]:

Yeah, I don’t like the gym. I need, you know, you need to exercise with purpose. And the thing with the brain development or brain react reaction when you’re on a treadmill is very repetitive. The brain needs challenges. So you need to be on uneven turf, you need to stumble, you need to go into the mud like I do. There’s ups and down and you have to adjust and, you know, the brain has to adjust. So the idea of exercise is walking in natural terrain, up and down, trees, logs. That is actually exercise.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:10]:

We are designed to walk. We walkers. So you will never see me in the gym.

Karyn [01:12:16]:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:17]:

Not worth it.

Karyn [01:12:17]:

I love it.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:18]:

Real air, no oxygen. Phew.

Karyn [01:12:21]:

Exactly. Exactly. Me neither. What’s one thing that you do on a regular basis that really helps you connect with your spirit, your soul, whatever that means to you? What’s something like self care that you do?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:34]:

I talk to my spirit guides all the time, and I also have a particular spirit guide with me sister.

Karyn [01:12:42]:

Oh, she’s showing a picture of her horse.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:45]:

She was not my horse. She was my friend horse. And she’s up there now, but now she has wings. I understand.

Karyn [01:12:53]:

Oh, my goodness. Beautiful.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:12:55]:

And she’s white now, and she loves my guardian angel. So we’re looking for the farm for my three adopted horses now with her help. So I work with my spirit guides.

Karyn [01:13:06]:

Oh, lovely. What do you think is the house? Is a big question, but loaded, but try to keep it as brief as you can. What is the most misunderstood thing about EBV, in your opinion?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:13:27]:

Big question you had.

Karyn [01:13:30]:

Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your doctor said, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:13:34]:

It’s nothing to do with what you’re going through. Yep. I would say.

Karyn [01:13:37]:

Now we’ve mentioned the medical medium, so this might be your answer. But when somebody says to you, what’s a good book that you recommend? What’s the one book that you go to over and over other than your own? What’s the one book that you go to over and over and you say, you have to read this book?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:13:53]:

About what topic?

Karyn [01:13:54]:

Anything. It could be fun. It could be medical. I mean, just any book that you. That just speaks to you, that you say, oh, you have to read this book.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:14:02]:

Um, I don’t read it again and again, but I love. I have it. I’ve given it as gifts to friends. And it is, uh. Charlie ho. It’s a beautiful, magical book. The boy, the horrors, the Fox, and, oh, boy, my titles. I can’t recall titles.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:14:27]:

It’s a little bit like little Prince and Winnie the Pooh. It’s a beautifully calligraphed and graphically beautiful, magical book that talks about life. Who’s invited?

Karyn [01:14:42]:

I want to look it up.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:14:43]:


Karyn [01:14:45]:

Okay. That’s all right. Yeah.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:14:46]:

The boy, the whores, the. There’s four animals with a boy. They. They travel together and talk and have philosophical interest, conversations that are just beautiful in just who we are. It’s. It’s magical.

Karyn [01:15:01]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:15:02]:

Let me email you the link.

Karyn [01:15:04]:

Yeah, that sounds really cool. Okay. Would you have a favorite travel destination?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:15:08]:

Travel destination. It would have to be my home hometown in Poland, which is on the Baltic Sea. I miss it. I don’t go there.

Karyn [01:15:21]:

You haven’t been in a while. My husband was just. Well, he’s been several times now in Poland, Warsaw. He’s a psychologist, and they’re working with the ukrainian medical professionals and to try to help them with everything that’s going on there in Poland is really the safe place closest to Ukraine. So they meet there in Poland. So, yeah, he keeps telling me, you have to come. You have to come.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:15:47]:

Well, Warsaw is a very different place. I come from a town. It’s a. It’s a place where every pole want to go in summer at least once in their lifetime. And so it’s a beach place, but it’s not a beach culture like in America. It’s a very healing place and public beaches, and my mom lives eight minutes away from the public beaches. Wow. But also, there is a tri city north of Warsaw that your husband might like to go to.

Karyn [01:16:18]:

What’s it called?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:16:19]:

Tri city.

Karyn [01:16:20]:

Tri city.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:16:22]:

Dines Gdenia, Sopo. You can’t miss it. There’s the biggest three cities on the water, on the Baltic Sea. That’s where I used to live when I was a. A young adult professional before leaving for the States. That’s kind of my. My base. I miss that.

Karyn [01:16:40]:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, coffee or tea? And how do you take it?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:16:44]:

I never drink coffee.

Karyn [01:16:45]:

Yeah, I hate. Do you drink tea?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:16:49]:


Karyn [01:16:50]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:16:50]:

Big tea drinker.

Karyn [01:16:51]:

Yeah, me too. Last question. So the name of this podcast is the Cheeky podcast for moms with IBD. And it. It’s very tongue in cheek, because I have to just make a little bit of fun, a little bit of light of what we go through. And to me, being cheeky is about being a little bit quirky, a little bit sassy, and a lot badass. So how are you cheeky in your life?

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:17:16]:

I’m cheeky because I like to do things that haven’t been done. So with no experience with horses, I started to be with horses free in the open wide field, and now I ended up helping a shut down mustang that nobody could touch. Nobody could. Like, she didn’t rehabilitate.

Karyn [01:17:40]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:17:40]:

We fell in love with each other, and I ended up adopting her magically, which was not possible, but I never gave up. And now I have three. I created a herd for her, so we have. She’s a lead mayor, so she has a purpose now. She has two girls. She, you know, she protects. And now I’m looking with sister’s help. I’m looking for a farm for us.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:04]:

I’ve never done that before. I don’t know what it means, but I’m literally selling my house now. And we’re looking, actively looking for it. Amazing.

Karyn [01:18:14]:

That’s not sassy.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:14]:

I don’t know what is so sassy. We’re doing everything.

Karyn [01:18:18]:

Taking a leap, you know, just doing something new.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:22]:

Leap of faith. And I’m not writing them. It’s just a very different concept. It’s a. It’s kind of a pioneering, very natural way of being with those amazing creatures. So we’re GONna have a healing place where I will have retreats, WEEKend retreats. We’ll be cooking, breathing, eating, and we’ll sit down outside and breathe. And if the girls want to come and breathe with us, that’s what we will do.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:45]:

So it’s going to be very healing because they still are healing.

Karyn [01:18:48]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:48]:

You know?

Karyn [01:18:49]:


Dr. Kasia Kines [01:18:49]:

They’ve been rescued.

Karyn [01:18:51]:

I love that. I love that. Wow. KASIA. Oh, my goodness. AmAzing. And so we did a lot. We dug in a lot here today, but I still feel like we scratched the surface.

Karyn [01:19:02]:

There’s so much MOre to know. So, KaSIA, where can people go to find out more about you and more about the beautiful evb. Ebv. SORRY, ebv. Work that you’re doing.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:19:13]:

Yeah. Everything is on our website. Links from our website. You can sign up for newsletters so you’ll be updated. You know, ebvhelp, like we keep it simple. And I want to finish with. With a plea to all your moms, please.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:19:30]:

You are a beautiful, magnificent soul. You are. You know, we are a spiritual being, having a physical experience. Your spirit is so important. Don’t let anybody take it away from you. You just shine your light, speak your truth, see who you are.

Karyn [01:19:51]:

We need that more than ever in the world.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:19:55]:

More than ever. The magnificence of your body, how intelligent it is, how it’s fighting for you despite all of the mess inside. It’s just incredible. So just know that your body is working for you, not against you, and trying within whatever is given. And never, never give up. And there’s always a way to shine in your life. Just. Just be yourself.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:20:18]:

We need that.

Karyn [01:20:19]:

Oh. Amen, Kasia. Amen. I love it. Beautiful world. Words from a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for being here.

Dr. Kasia Kines [01:20:27]:

My pleasure.

Karyn [01:20:36]:

If this podcast is meaningful for you, if it’s been helpful in your IBD mom life, I’d love it if you would do a couple things. First, follow the pod, you’ll never miss an episode. And those moms who are searching for podcasts about Crohn’s and colitis, they’ll find us easier. There’s probably a plus sign or a follow sign where you’re listening in right now. It’s at the top of your screen. Go ahead and give that a tap. And then also give the Tiki podcast a five star rating and review and share it with your friends who are also struggling with IBD. The more we are open about talking about our illness and bringing awareness around it, the more we’re able to connect and build a safe community around each other.

Karyn [01:21:21]:

I love being in community with you and I appreciate you. You my friend. One last thing before we wrap up today. You know, I think you’re a rock star for taking time out of your busy life to listen in and invest in your healing. It is capital h huge. And the reason I know how huge this is for you is because I am right there with you in all of this, working my wheel of wellness, keeping my crohn’s at bay. It’s something that I invest in every day and I’d love it if we could continue our gut healing journey together. If you’re like me and you’re ready to soak up even more amazing gut healing information, it’s time to join the gut love

Karyn [01:22:03]:

community the GLC is my free and.

Karyn [01:22:08]:

Fabulous space, dedicated to dishing out even.

Karyn [01:22:10]:

More IBD resources, recipes, healing hacks, lots of BTS secrets on how I manage my life with IBD, all wrapped up in a weekly newsletter to help you keep your momentum going strong. This IBD dish is gut healing insights that I only share within our tight knit community. Basically, it’s your one stop shop for a more diversified approach to true and lasting gut healing.

Karyn [01:22:37]:

Amen to that, my friend.

Karyn [01:22:40]:

Let’s walk this gut healing journey together. Join me in the community that’s community.

Karyn [01:22:54]:

I can’t wait to meet you.

The New Crohn’s & Colitis Treatment Approach Isn’t a Pill, a Food, or a Supplement

In this week’s episode of The Cheeky Podcast for Moms with IBD, we’re diving into a game-changing approach to treating Crohn’s and Colitis that goes beyond traditional methods. If you are feeling frustrated with the limitations of pills, specific diets, and supplements, this episode is for you. Discover how a new approach to treating IBD may be better than anything you’ve tried before.

We explore the critical need for a treatment plan that aligns with your core values and focuses on root causes rather than just symptom cover-ups. We’re going deep in this conversation, so grab a pen and paper and get ready to transform the way you are being cared for by your team of IBD specialists.

Tune in To Learn About:

✅ [00:03:15] The limitations of relying solely on GI doctors and medications.

✅ [00:07:50] How combining the traditional values of healthcare with Eastern philosophy has the power to set your IBD free.

✅ [00:15:20] The natural and holistic healing option that gives you the best nutritional support and personalized healthcare.

✅ [00:23:45] The natural medicine doctor who embraces ancient wisdom to bring health and balance to our digestive system.

✅ [00:31:30] Five foolproof questions to ask yourself to help you choose the right natural, holistic provider for you.

✅ [00:43:02] The “Do it Like a Mom” rapid-fire way to embrace your new gut healing approach.

Join us for this enlightening episode and empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate your IBD treatment with confidence and hope.

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Mentioned in the Episode:

>> Which Natural Health Provider is Right for Me? {Free Resource}

>> The Ultimate IBD Diet Decoder Quiz {Free Resource}

>> Join The Gut Love Community for Moms with IBD

>> Book Your FREE IBD Consultation with Karyn Today

Connect With Karyn:

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Karyn on Facebook

Episode Transcript:

Karyn [00:00:08]:

Hey there, mama.

Karyn [00:00:09]:

Welcome to season two of the Cheeky podcast for moms with IBD. I’m Karen Haley, functional IBD nutrition and wellness coach and Crohn’s warrior. This podcast is all about us moms.

Karyn [00:00:22]:

Because our IBD plays by different rules.

Karyn [00:00:25]:

Season two is juicy, full of unconventional.

Karyn [00:00:27]:

Wisdom, real talk, new ways to tackle our illness, and a whole lot of.

Karyn [00:00:32]:

Community empowerment, and all of us advocating.

Karyn [00:00:35]:

The hell out of our illness.

Karyn [00:00:37]:

We’re in this together, and I’m here to help you find healing on your terms.

Karyn [00:00:42]:

Let’s do this. Well, hey there, my friend. Welcome to the episode. I’ve got a question for you. How’s your current IBD treatment plan going? Feeling confident with all the pieces that you have in place? Or is there something missing, something you might not be able to quite put your finger on? But, you know, if you could just figure it out, your life would transform in an instant. Oftentimes when I get to chat with our fabulous gut love community members or my amazingly courageous one on one clients, I hear this sentiment. I’m doing everything right, but I’m just not getting better. Or I know something is missing from my treatment plan, but I don’t know what.

Karyn [00:01:35]:

Or I’m just so frustrated with my treatment plan, the one my doctor has me on. It’s not in line with how I want to heal. And let’s get real here. Having a treatment plan that is totally in line with your core values, one that works, is crucial to living the life you were meant to live. Because when Crohn’s and colitis plagues you, it’s a constant daily battle. Heck, it’s a moment to moment battle. And I know that battle well. So I see you and I feel you.

Karyn [00:02:13]:

I understand that merry go round, that IBD Marigold round, because it’s been part of my life journey since I was a young teenager. Through the good times and the badlandhouse, between doctor’s appointments, medications, flare ups, managing the kiddos, trying to work, and trying to find time for that all elusive self care that we know, our mind, our body, our soul needs. It’s really tough navigating the world of IBD, isn’t it? It’s about always staying one step ahead of it. And sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we fail. I’m right there with you. I’m raising my hand over here. I’m right there with you. For the most part, we rely on our gastroenterologists to get through the rough patches, the flare ups.

Karyn [00:03:03]:

But how’s that working for you? These totally short, often rushed appointments where your ideas and thoughts, and sometimes your ability to advocate for yourself, it just tends to get lost. You end up barely scratching the surface with what you need. And I’m not one to completely poo poo doctors or medications, but I have to say, in a perfect world, in a perfect world, we’d all be stable enough to be off of drugs. But even when you’re doing everything in the natural realm, that’s at your disposal, even when you’re doing everything you can to find long term health, sometimes medication needs to be part of that picture as well. Sometimes short term and sometimes long term. So, yeah, medications and the doctors who prescribe them, they have their place. But it’s important that you know one thing today. If you leave this episode and you only have one piece of information, if you hit pause right now and you never come back, I need you to know this one thing.

Karyn [00:04:13]:

Just this one thing. Gastros and the meds that they prescribe, they are not your one stop shop for gut health. Now, docs and meds are just one piece of your IBD treatment puzzle. The analogy of thinking about your IBD as a puzzle, it’s the perfect way to think of it. And putting the pieces together, putting those pieces, those puzzle pieces together. When we only get one puzzle piece from our traditional provider, that puts a lot on us, a lot on the patient. So I don’t take it lightly when I tell you how hard this is and when I tell you this hard truth. Because we’re moms, we’re juggling all the things along our IBD journey, and it’s truly freaking hard to find time to put more puzzle pieces into place.

Karyn [00:05:11]:

But we must. We must find the time. We must find the strength to do just that. The medication GI doc puzzle piece, it can be a strong, solid, middle piece of your healing puzzle, but it never shows up as that necessary pillar of a puzzle. Preach piece. That’s that true corner connector piece, and it never gets to the root of our illness. And that root, the med only root, it never truly heals us because it solely focuses on covering up the symptoms rather than taking the time to truly understand the root causes of your specific individual challenges. Your IBD healing journey towards health, it shouldn’t be so hard, but it is.

Karyn [00:06:07]:

And that’s frustrating. Let me just say what it is and let’s just call it out. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You may even go into your doctor’s office, and you might even be full of hope that this time, this time it’s going to be different this time. You’ve got all your questions in hand. This time they’ve got to help you. But so often, so often we leave those doctors appointments feeling disheartened and dejected. I felt that way, I dare say, most of the time. Where’s the hope? Where’s the amount of good news that comes from that appointment? And if you found this podcast and you’re in the realm of the gut love community, you know that I am all about the absolute opposite, the opposite way that you feel after those frustrating appointments.

Karyn [00:06:58]:

To me, to me, healing should never be about disheartenment or distrust. It should be about empowerment, advocacy, knowledge, hope, root causes, and positivity. When was the last time you left your doctor’s office feeling any of those emotions? Empowerment, advocacy, knowledge, hope, root causes, positivity. If you want more of those gut healing vibes in your life, where do you go to get them? Well, I’m so glad you asked that question, because I’ve got your answer. This episode of the Cheeky podcast is your roadmap to navigating a new world of IBD medicine. A world where I ultimate healing and positivity is the goal. Imagine that. And it’s a form of healing that’s actually and didn’t invent it.

Karyn [00:07:55]:

It’s a form of healing that’s been around for centuries, but it still is pretty much, I’d say, in its infancy in the United States. So what am I talking about here? What’s the new approach to treating IBD that encompasses everything you desire and everything you deserve from your medical care team? It’s the world of complementary, natural, alternative, root cause, integrative, functional medicine. It is called by so many names, but at its heart, this type of medicine is about all those positive thoughts and feelings that I mention. When you find the right provider in this space, it has the power to turn your IBD treatment plan on its head. Because it’s all about empowerment, advocacy, knowledge, hope, root causes and positivity. Finding the right provider in this natural type of health space. A provider who takes the time to hear your story, who takes the time to listen, who gives you access to ask your questions, and leaves you with a heart centered treatment plan that encourages the body’s innate ability to heal. It’s this type of provider, these types of providers who can help craft your ultimate IBD healing plan.

Karyn [00:09:22]:

Can I get an amen? Okay, so keep that middle puzzle piece, GI doc. I’m not saying get rid of it. Keep it. Keep that middle puzzle piece GI doc, keep the meds if you need them because we need these pieces to complete our IBD healing puzzle. But don’t forget, don’t forget that we also need the strong pillar of the puzzle. Corner piece. That corner piece, provider. We need that as well.

Karyn [00:09:52]:

We’ll never fully complete our healing journey without someone like that in our corner. And it’s my dream. It’s my dream that each and everyone that’s part of the GLC and beyond, of course, beyond finds a provider like this sometime in their lifetime. I want everybody to find a provider like this. You deserve to be treated with the respect and the attention to uncover hidden gems to successfully manage your illness. And I have to say, I have been so incredibly blessed because I’ve been able to work with a number of providers who fit this description over the years. And I swear they are at the heart, at the heart and soul of all the healing that’s taken place for me. And it’s time for you to find your natural healing provider as well.

Karyn [00:10:48]:

And that sounds incredible, right? Finding a provider who actually listens and works with you instead of against you. So you’re probably wondering, where do I start? Where do I start? Where do I find such a provider? The good news is that nowadays, they’re everywhere. You just have to know where to look to find them. It’s time for us to just step away from the grasping at straws, approach the throwing at a wall treatment plan, and then maybe connect with a provider who truly understands what you’re going through. It’s one thing to know this information, to even embrace it in your mind, but it’s a whole other dimension to actually get out there and find the natural root cause healing provider that’s got your name on it. So today, it’s my goal to help you explore your natural provider options, arm you with the right questions to ask, to know if these providers are the right fit for you, and then most importantly, empower you. Empower you to take charge of your health like the badass moment warrior that I know you are. Are you ready? I said, are you ready? Okay, I’m hearing you.

Karyn [00:12:10]:

I’m hearing the feedback. You’re ready. Good. Okay, let’s dive in. Okay, so hopefully, hopefully now I have at least sold you on the benefits of finding a medical provider who works with you as your equal partner on your healthcare journey, because, holy cow, it’s so powerful. But now the question is, who is that? Who is that provider for you? We’re going to find that out together because knowing your options is your best starting place. You can’t get started if you don’t know what your options are. I have to say though, that the best news I can give you is that there’s this whole world of alternative medicine out there.

Karyn [00:12:50]:

It’s waiting to be explored. Now, it might not be five minutes from your front door, but with just a little bit of knowledge about where and how to search, you can find a root cause provider who is right for you. And keep in mind, you don’t need to connect with all of these options. What’s most important is finding the right provider rather than spreading yourself thin with multiple practitioners who might not fully understand all your needs. Or I have to say even worse than that is when there’s just too many cooks in the kitchen, they all end up giving you competing treatment plans. If you’ve ever been there, you know what I’m talking about. It’s an absolute nightmare, this process of finding the right alternative provider. It can take a little bit of time and a little bit of research on your part, but I know that you can do this, my friend.

Karyn [00:13:45]:

Us IBD gals, we’re skilled, we are tenacious, and given the proper tools, we find the right providers who can make all the difference on our gut healing journey. I know this to be true, so I know that you can do this. So who are these alternative medicine providers and what do they bring to the table? Well, I am so happy to tell you that the options abound. From acupuncturists to chiropractors, reiki masters, therapists, counselors. Alternative options go on and on. And while the types of practitioners that I just mentioned, while they can really play a valuable role in your holistic care team, your best starting place is with a natural minded holistic IBD specialist. I’m going to say that one more time. A natural minded holistic IBD specialist.

Karyn [00:14:42]:

These are folks who sit at what I call the top of the natural health pyramid armed with the knowledge and the expertise to get to the root of your IBD symptoms, the integrative medicine doctor, the functional medicine provider, and the naturopath, these are some of the best, most skilled types of providers that you’ll want to research. These specialists, they offer a whole body approach to health. They have training to run comprehensive functional tests. Your traditional doctor will probably never think of the tests that they run, and they focus on treating the underlying causes of your symptoms rather than just masking them with medications. Working with a provider like the ones that I just mentioned, it can be truly life changing. And I don’t say that lightly. I know a lot of people use that word. It’s so transformative, it’s so life changing.

Karyn [00:15:39]:

I don’t use that lightly. I mean, it can be life changing. And like I said, I truly want that valuable gift for you because they have this unique ability to partner with you in a really empowering way. To be your guide, not your dictator or your guru as you. You like capital y o u, take control of your health and reclaimed your life from the inside out.

Karyn [00:16:13]:

Are you, like many of us, with.

Karyn [00:16:14]:

Crohn’s and colitis, turning to food to help heal your gut but feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of gut healing diets out there?

Karyn [00:16:22]:

Gluten free, dairy free, paleo SCD gaps. And that’s just naming a few. It can be so confusing, frustrating, and leave you feeling disheartened about which diet is the right fit for you. And trust me, I was there until I created the best tool to help me figure this out. Now, maybe you’ve tried a diet or two only to give up quickly because you couldn’t figure out what to eat. Or maybe the plan was just too.

Karyn [00:16:51]:

Strict for you to follow.

Karyn [00:16:53]:

Here’s something you won’t hear from the so called food gurus. There isn’t one single diet that works for everyone. I don’t care which diet it is. And the best diet for you isn’t just about your symptoms. It’s also about your lifestyle and your personality. Why start a diet based solely on your IBD symptoms only to abandon it a week later because it doesn’t fit your life? If you’re ready to discover which gut healing diet is the perfect fit for you based on your unique needs and your current stage in life, then you need my ultimate IBD diet decoder quiz. Head over to quiz to access this free resource. Remember, there is no one size fits all, best cut healing diet, but there is the one best diet for you.

Karyn [00:17:45]:

Find out what you’re meant to be eating to help put your IBD in its place. Got three minutes? That is all you need. Go to forward slash quiz. That’s quiz. Answer a few simple questions and get your personalized quiz results immediately. Now let’s get back to the show.

Karyn [00:18:09]:

Okay, now remember, at the top of the natural provider pyramid stems three types of providers, the integrative medicine doctor, the functional medicine practitioner, and the naturopathic position. And you have this daunting task of deciding which type of those providers will suit you best. But I gotta tell you, I’ve got you, girl. I am going to walk you step by step through what these providers stand for so that you can make the best decision, the most informed decision for you. Now, to help you get familiar with the similarities and the differences between these three options, I have created categories within each profession to help basically separate what these providers are all about. So those categories are their beliefs, their training, their philosophy, the conditions that they treat, the treatments they use, and then how to go about finding them. You can then use these categories to help you make the best decision for you regarding your natural healthcare. There is no right or wrong answer here.

Karyn [00:19:22]:

All of these types of practitioners have the potential to offer value and truly exceptional care. This provider breakdown, it will just help you make the best decision that fits for you. Also, I want to mention that there’s a ton of information I’m about to hit you with. This is a lot, lot of details. And you might be driving, you might be out for a walk or doing the dishes or cooking dinner or even in the bathroom or the shower. Well, those are the kind of things that I do when I’m listening to podcasts anyway. But don’t feel like you have to pull your car over or stop what you’re doing. Because after I go over these categories and walk you through the ins and outs of these natural healing providers, I’m going to tell you how you can get your hands on my handy dandy.

Karyn [00:20:10]:

Which natural provider is right for me? Resource. It’s going to give you all of these details in a more concise, clear cut format. So stay with me. Now, start your gears turning. Start the marinating in your mind. Be in the moment with me, but know that I’ve got your back. I’ve got your back for later. And I’m going to tell you how you can get this free resource.

Karyn [00:20:35]:

Which natural provider is right for me in just a few minutes. Okay, so let’s begin. And let’s begin with the integrative medicine doctor. Are they the right natural provider for you? Now, integrative docs, they believe, they have this really unique approach because they believe in combining alternative therapies with conventional medicine to treat the whole person, mind, body and soul. And they come at it from a variety of backgrounds, really. They might be coming from osteopathy, or they could be a traditional MDD. They could come from a traditional MD training program, you know, medical school, or they could even come from the naturopathic medicine sphere. Besides that training, integrative docs will then receive additional integrative training at a school like the Andrew Weil center for Integrative Medicine, and that’s located in Arizona.

Karyn [00:21:30]:

An integrative medicine doctor’s philosophy revolves around the idea that illness manifests from an imbalance in the body’s natural equilibrium. Can I say that word? Let me try it one more time. Equilibrium. There we go. So from the body’s natural equilibrium with lifestyle, genetics, things like environment, mental health, all of those things, they say, play a very crucial role in your body’s ability to heal or to manifest illness. Because they come from such education heavy backgrounds, they’re able to treat a really wide range of chronic illnesses, including chronic pain, metabolic disorders, digestive issues, hello, Crohn’s and colitis, mental health conditions, and then autoimmune diseases as well. Now, in terms of treatment, integrative providers, they often combine the conventional approach, like medicine or even surgery, with the unconventional, like massage, chiropractic care, nutrition and counseling. And this is the hallmark of the integrative doc.

Karyn [00:22:43]:

So if you want to find a provider who is skilled in both the western medicine side as well as someone who sees value in more eastern philosophies, this type of provider might just be your jam. It’s really rare, I have to say, to find a full fledged IBD literate integrative medicine doctor, especially in the United States. But they do exist. You just need to be willing to travel to them or see them via telehealth. Isn’t telehealth great these days? See them via telehealth if you don’t live near where they practice. Now, to seek out an integrative medicine doctor, it’s really best to check out the American Board of Integrative Medicine, or you might even be able to get a referral from your current healthcare provider. So that’s the integrative medicine natural health provider. That’s their beliefs, training, their philosophy, the conditions they treat, the treatments they use, and how to find them in a gut show.

Karyn [00:23:47]:

What do you think? In my opinion? Here’s what I have to say about integrative docs. In my opinion, if having a provider who is skilled at both the medicine side of things, the traditional approach, along with the skills and knowledge to know when a more natural method is reasonable to try, then this is your doctor. All right, let’s go ahead and continue on and talk about natural medicine. These categories again. We’re going to go through the same categories again, but I. This time, let’s look at it from the lens of a functional medicine provider. Is this the type of natural medicine provider for you? I don’t know. Let’s find out.

Karyn [00:24:31]:

Functional practitioners focus on root cause medicine as they aim to identify the underlying causes of disease, diseases like IBD, and they view the whole body is interconnected and they practice personalized medicine. I love that. So there is no one size fits all approach here, no one size fits all approach that fits the masses. They are all about digging deep into your specific needs. Even if the patient they’re seeing after you has the same condition as you, your treatment plan, it might look completely different from theirs. That’s something that I love about functional medicine. Functional medicine providers, they come from really diverse backgrounds. They might be in the nutrition field or traditional medicine, or naturopathy, and then what happens is they just like the integrative doc, they receive that additional functional and diagnostic training.

Karyn [00:25:33]:

So functional medicine practitioners, they’re not all mds or even doctors because they can come from somewhere in the medical or even the mental health space. But then they specialize in functional techniques. That’s what sets them apart. Now, personally, in my practice, I most align with a functional approach to healing. The methods that I use in my one on one coaching practice with my clients, they are all from a functional perspective, a functional practitioner’s philosophy. It centers around this idea that illness stems from dysfunctioning body systems that are linked to several things, lifestyle, diet, genetics and the environment. And functional medicine providers believe that health occurs when these systems are optimized. Functional medicine providers treat a wide range of chronic conditions, just like integrative docs, including autoimmune, metabolic, digestive, hormonal, cardiovascular, neurological diseases, just to name a few.

Karyn [00:26:37]:

Though I would do. I will say though that they do tend to specialize in one or two areas where most of their training lies. Functional treatments, they often include things like a personalized nutrition plan, targeted supplements, lifestyle modifications, stress management, detoxification, and mind body techniques. Now, if you’re thinking that this is the type of provider that’s exactly what you’ve been waiting for, wait no longer. Because you can find a functional medicine provider through resources like the Institute for Functional Medicine, or it’s like it’s called IFM. IFM. Or possibly again through a referral from your healthcare provider. I know that in my practice, several of my clients will say that their doctor is the one who referred them to me.

Karyn [00:27:28]:

Some providers are open minded and they will refer their patients to functional practitioners. But just in case you don’t have access to a doctor that’s open minded to natural methods of healing, it’s good to know that you could go to the IFM program. You could go there online because they have a referral center. All right, so what did you think? What do you think about the functional approach to natural medicine? If an individualized approach is important to you, if bringing nutritional and lifestyle changes into your healing regime is important to you, then I would say bring on the functional provider. That’s the one for you. But don’t bring them on just yet, because I’ve got one more natural provider to introduce you to. And that is the naturopathic provider. Is this the provider for you? Let’s find out.

Karyn [00:28:21]:

Okay, so the naturopathic doctor, they believe in the body’s innate ability to heal, the innate ability to heal itself. And they use natural, holistic approaches that focus on root cause healing. Naturopaths attend accredited naturopathic schools of medicine. Like, for example, they might go to Bastille University in California. And these types of doctors, and yes, they are doctors, they undergo rigorous training in alternative as well as traditional medicine. A naturopath’s philosophy, it centers around the idea that illness manifests from an imbalance in the body with things like poor diet, stress, environmental triggers, toxins and genetics. All of these things. To them, it plays a significant role.

Karyn [00:29:12]:

And naturopaths, they also treat a wide range of chronic illnesses, including autoimmune, digestive, ding, ding, ding, hormonal allergies, cardiovascular, even mental health conditions. But like functional providers, it’s common for them to then pick one or two fields that they specialize in. In terms of treatment. It will often include things like herbal medicine with botanicals, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, counseling, acupuncture, ayurveda, traditional chinese medicine, as well as physical medicine. So the best place to find a naturopathic provider, besides doing a Google search in your area, is to maybe check out a resource like the American association of naturopathic Physicians or AANP. Or you could also check out the Institute for Natural Medicine. Now, some states in the US have a naturopath in every corner. They are covered by medical insurance, and they practice just like an MD with the same privileges.

Karyn [00:30:19]:

Other states have strong restrictions on mds, naturopathic doctors. And if you want to see a natural provider like this, you need to shell out the dough yourself, because there’s no insurance involved. Now, from my experience, the naturopathic approach to treating IBD specifically, it’s really groundbreaking and unique. You’ll hear from naturopaths ideas to help you that your GI doc would never even have thought of. They reach back into centuries old wisdom with herbals and botanical treatments that have been used as far back as early indian, chinese, native american or egyptian cultures, ideas that have long been forgotten by our medical community. Today, if you want to get a good idea of what a naturopath specializing in gut health might bring to your gut healing table, I highly recommend you check out episode 102 of the Cheeky podcast just a few episodes ago where I had an eye opening conversation and a truly enlightening conversation with an IBD expert and naturopath doctor Alana Gurevich. So check that out, because that will give you a good idea of the kind of amazing things naturopathic doctors bring into their practice. Okay, so that’s how naturopathy works.

Karyn [00:31:40]:

How does it sound to you if you love going back with ancient medical wisdom? If you believe that given the right tools, the body can heal itself, finding a naturopath as your natural care provider, it might be the right option for you. Now, each of these stellar top of the natural health pyramid providers, they bring something unique to the table. But ultimately the right fit. It depends on your individual needs, it depends on your preferences and your values. By grabbing my free resource, which natural care provider is right for me, you will absolutely have what you need to make the right healing decision for you. You can use this resource to help you explore your options, do your research, especially to find a local providers in your area. And of course, I want you to trust your instincts with this. And remember, you don’t need to connect with all of these amazing root cause natural health providers.

Karyn [00:32:46]:

What’s most important is finding the right provider who resonates with you and can support you on your healing journey. So go ahead and get your which natural care provider is right for me resource. It’s going to help you with everything that we talked about today, but it’s just in a more concise version, wrapped up in a nice, neat, tidy bow. Head on over to natural to get your hands on this oh so valuable resource today. And remember, it’s and that’s natural. You can get that resource right now. Okay, if you’re listening intently to all these details, the ones I’ve been dishing out about integrative doctors, about functions, medicine providers and about naturopaths, you might have noticed that there’s actually a lot of similarities between these types of naturally minded holistic providers. At the end of the day, these approaches by these providers, they may seem very similar in many ways.

Karyn [00:33:54]:

And so then the question becomes well, how do I decide? How do I decide which type of naturally minded holistic provider is best for me? After the break, we’re going to talk about five foolproof questions to ask yourself to help you determine which natural health provider is the right one for you. And then we’re going to finish up this important convo today with a lightning round of do it like a mom finding the best natural care provider like only an Ibden mom can. Stay with me, will ya? This is where all the knowledge that’s been marinating for you, it will begin to gel and solidify. It is action plan time, so don’t go anywhere.

Karyn [00:34:40]:

Thanks so much for tuning into the cheeky podcast for moms with IBD today. The great information we’re dishing out on this pod is exactly the same type of conversations I get to have with my clients every day. If you’re ready to take your IBD healing journey to the next level and move into being the mom you always dreamed you’d be, hop on over to consult and book your free IBD consultation with me. Remember, my mom had to be a little bit different and spell my name with a y. So it’s consult on our call. We’ll dive in what you’re struggling with most right now and make a plan for how we can work together to.

Karyn [00:35:23]:

Help you achieve your big, bold, beautiful, life transforming goals.

Karyn [00:35:28]:

No more sitting on the sidelines waiting for that miracle cure to magically happen. You’ve got what it takes to do this right now, mama. You just need a little nudge in that right direction, and I’ve got your back. consult and now back to the show.

Karyn [00:35:45]:

So we know we can’t just rely on one GI doc to put all of our gut healing puzzle pieces together. We know the root cause long term approach to healing lies with a natural care provider. And we know our best top of the pyramid choices, the integrative doc, the functional medicine provider, and the naturopath. And I want to stress that I’m not discounting the acupuncturist, the Reiki master, the massage therapist, the craniosacral therapist, etcetera, etcetera. These are also important options in your healing care. But they’re not the top of the pyramid, right? They’re not those providers. They are the ancillary soldiers who play a vital role in your healing. But it all trickles down from the top of the the pyramid with these providers that we’re talking about today.

Karyn [00:36:38]:

So the question then becomes, how do you know? How do you know which type of natural provider is right for you? Well, you ask yourself these five questions, just five questions. Answer these questions with me right now, and you’re going to be well on your way to finding the right provider for you. Okay, question number one, is it important that my provider be knowledgeable in both eastern, so that would be the more natural side of things, and western, the more prescriptive the medical side of things. Is that important to you? If the answer is yes, an integrative approach is really your best option to pursue. Done. Case closed. No need to go any further with these questions. But for argument’s sake, let’s just say that you’re not quite sure yet.

Karyn [00:37:29]:

So let’s keep going with our questionnaire. Okay? So question number two, who’s in my area? Who’s in my area? If it’s important for you to see a doctor in person, and I would have to say that it’s nice to be able to do that from time to time, even with the advances in telemedicine. Well, then pick the one that is actually in your area. The truth is, traditional mds, they’re found pretty much everywhere. They’re in every town in America and around the world. But holistic, naturally minded doctors, they aren’t always available in high numbers. So depending on where you live in the world, it might be hard to find someone. But the good news, the good news is that all these types of providers have the power to be of a big help to you, to help you dig beneath the surface of what’s going on at the root of your crohn’s or colitis.

Karyn [00:38:23]:

So just pick the one who’s nearest to you. Pick the one that’s actually in your town. Pick the one where you live, and just get started. You can always make a change later if they’re not a good fit. And of course, virtual consultations, they’re an option as well, because gone are the days where you could only see doctors who live in your part of the world. I have to say, my main GI provider, she lives 2700 miles away from me, and I wouldn’t trade her expertise or the time she takes with me or her outside the box root cause thinking. I wouldn’t change that. I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.

Karyn [00:39:02]:

Okay, question number three. Question number three. To ask yourself, do I need testing or prescriptions? So, while most integrative and most functional providers have these types of privileges, at least in the United States, there are many states that do not recognize naturopaths as doctors, and therefore they don’t allow them to write prescriptions or order tests. Maryland, where I live, it’s one of those states. And even though I have a naturopath, she is not able to write prescriptions or order procedures for me. So instead she makes recommendations and then I bring them to my MDE and I ask if she’s comfortable ordering what my naturopath thinks that I need. And I do have to say, luckily, and I do feel very lucky about this, I have a really great MD who’s willing to work with me, but not everybody has that option. So ask yourself, do I need tests? Do I need prescriptions? Because if you do, a natural path might not be for you and that can help you whittle down your choice.

Karyn [00:40:05]:

Okay, so number four. We’ve made it to number four. Question number four, what’s the cost? We got to talk about price here. It’s the elephant in the room. What’s the cost? And can my insurance cover it in the United States? This can be a really big issue. I wish that I could say that all natural and holistic providers accept insurance, but the truth is, most don’t. And their fees, they can be quite pricey. Trust me, it is worth it.

Karyn [00:40:32]:

I am telling you, if you can find a way to do it, it is so worth it, especially in the long run because it will probably save you from medical expenses, but it’s still pricey upfront. So always check with your insurance company or your HSA account first to see what they might cover. Look for out of network benefits and see what you might be able to get back before you go to your appointment. And don’t forget, you’ll be filling out your own paperwork. So don’t forget to ask your fee for service doctor. That means that they take cash, not insurance. So fee for service doctor, please ask them for a super bill. It’s called a super bill because that’s what you will need to submit to your own insurance company, your insurance claim, you’ll need to submit that on your own.

Karyn [00:41:20]:

It’s called a super bill. Okay? So if paying out of pocket or getting reimbursed later, if that isn’t an option for you, you’re going to want to find someone that will take your insurance. And this varies from provider to provider and from state to state. So just keep this in mind when you’re deciding who will best serve you. Okay, lastly, question number five is, what’s the reputation of the provider so important? Right. No matter which natural healing category they fall under, who are they and how do they serve their clients or their patients? That’s actually, even, in my opinion, much more important. Check out their reviews, ask around about the provider, and above all, interview the practitioner before you make a final decision. This is where empowerment and advocacy come into play.

Karyn [00:42:14]:

Remember, you are in charge of your healthcare. These individuals are your consultant. They work for you. Their ability to help you is much more important than what medical program they attended, at least in my opinion. Okay, so what are you thinking now with those five questions in mind? Now that it’s marinated and now it’s gelled and now solidified a little bit more, ask yourself, what are you feeling? Who is going to be the best fit for you? And you might not be able to answer that question fully today. And that’s okay. You’ve got everything you need to go forth and conquer this task. Use your which natural provider is right for me resource to help you complete this task.

Karyn [00:43:02]:

Remember, you can get natural forward slash forward slash natural okay, now there’s only one thing left to do, and it’s time to do natural providers like the badass IBd warrior mom that I know you are. Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to give you several quick tips, quick hit tips, I like to call them, to be the IBD mom warrior that you are, to do natural providers like the badass IBD mom warrior that you are. Okay, so number one, leverage your networks like a playdate pro. You want to use your networks for referrals for doctor or provider referrals. Just as you might ask for recommendations for a pediatrician or a good babysitter, turn to your local mom groups, online forums, community centers, wherever you go where there are other moms, use that to help you get personal referrals to naturopaths, to functional medicine practitioners, or to integrative health experts. And you might even want to take it to social media. Utilize platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn or Instagram.

Karyn [00:44:18]:

Because many professionals maintain active social media profiles where they will maybe share their expertise. They interact with the public. They might post client testimonials. All right, what else? How do you do it? Like a mom consult like you’re interviewing a babysitter. You wouldn’t just let somebody babysit your kid that you don’t know. You would interview them. Many natural health care practitioners, they offer free initial consultations. Use this as an opportunity to see what is their philosophy and approach and how does that align with your expectations? Not enough people, I have to say, take advantage of this, but it is really, truly a must do task.

Karyn [00:45:03]:

Don’t forget to go into that initial consultation. Then prepared with specific questions. Ask about their experience with IBD, their approach to treatment, their successes with past patients. How do they handle communication follow ups? How hard is it to get an appointment with them? All of those things, these questions, they go a long way to help you make your ultimate natural provider decision. Okay. And then after that consult, you’re going to do your homework. You’re going to check the doctor’s credentials, their licensing, and this includes looking into their educational background. Maybe they have additional certifications, any professional affiliations that they’re part of.

Karyn [00:45:44]:

I always like to check out where they went to school. I look at their board certification status because when it’s a really tough decision to make, maybe I’m deciding between two practitioners. This can be a good help. It can be a good deciding factor. Also, don’t forget to check out patient testimonials on their websites, but also look for those independent reviews as well, like on Google or health grades or other medical review sites because then that’s going to help you get kind of a more balanced view of this practitioner. Okay. Do it like a mom means that you also absolutely consider proximity. Just like when you’re scheduling a play date, right? You want to make sure it’s convenient.

Karyn [00:46:27]:

It’s a kid friendly location. You just want to think about those types of logistics. If the provider’s office is too far or it might be not where it’s convenient for you, that’s going to add stress and that’s counterproductive to your treatment. So we don’t want that. But also remember that many providers offer virtual consultations, which can be a great option for a busy mom like you. It not only saves you travel time, but it makes scheduling a lot more flexible. Also, trust your mom instincts by listening to your gut, not just the rumbles in your IBD belly. I don’t mean the actual listening to what’s going on in your belly.

Karyn [00:47:09]:

I mean, listen to what your intuition is telling you, just as you would know it instinctively if something is wrong with your child. Trust your instincts when choosing a healthcare provider. If you feel rushed during that consultation, if you feel dismissed or you feel uncomfortable, it might be worth considering other options. Okay, I have one last do it like a mom tip for you, just a quick hit. Stay informed and be flexible. The more that you know about IBD, about your IBD specifically, and about your potential treatment options. The better that you are able to advocate for yourself and communicate effectively with your provider. And also, it’s important to note that natural medicine, it works a little bit different than traditional medication cover ups.

Karyn [00:48:03]:

Often it takes a holistic, gradual approaches a little bit longer. So make sure you’re being flexible. Set realistic goals and timelines with your provider and then be open to adjusting them as your treatment progresses. Oh my goodness. Whoo, my friend. Whooie. We did it. That is a lot of knowledge.

Karyn [00:48:27]:

If you were taking notes, I bet you were just writing furiously. Thank goodness I have that resource for you. Holy cow. That was a lot of information. But you did it. You did it and you are ready to put this plan into action now. As you embark on your journey into holistic healing and naturally minded providers with all the knowledge and insights that you gain today, remember that finding a root cause healer, that’s your ultimate goal. Whether it’s a functional medicine doctor, an integrative health practitioner, or a naturopathic doctor, the decision is yours to make.

Karyn [00:49:06]:

Take the time to explore your options, trust your instincts and choose the provider who resonates with you and your individual needs most. And keep in mind, keep in mind you’re doing all of this to begin to build a comprehensive support system to help manage and then eventually thrive with IVD. Can I get an amen? Your best care? It starts with these types of providers. I cannot say it enough. It starts with these types of providers because they are the ones at the top of the pyramid. And then from there you can add in other practitioners who support your ultimate health goals. Last reminder, one last time. I want to say, don’t forget to grab that free resource.

Karyn [00:49:55]:

We covered so much today, but it’s all there in a very nice, neat, concise format. And I have to say it’s kind of graphically cool as well. It’s in a great format. Grab that free resource because it’s really going to help you out. Which natural provider is right for me? You can grab that natural that’s natural and it will just help you to ensure that you find the best natural healing provider, the one that’s best for you long term IBD remission. It’s waiting for you. Take this big, bold leap.

Karyn [00:50:38]:

I promise you. I promise me. Hand over my heart. Hand over my heart. I promise you you won’t be sorry that you did. Until we chat again, I’m wishing you much gut love and much happiness. Always chat soon if this podcast is meaningful for you, if it’s been helpful in your IBD bomb life, I’d love it if you would do a couple things. First, follow the pod.

Karyn [00:51:10]:

Youll never miss an episode. And those moms who are searching for podcasts about crohns and colitis, theyll find us easier. Theres probably a plus sign or a follow sign where youre listening in right now. Its at the top of your screen. Go ahead and give that a tap and then also give the Tiki podcast a five star rating and review and share it with your friends who are also struggling with IBD. The more we are open about talking about our illness and bringing awareness around it, the more we’re able to connect and build a safe community around each other. I love being in community with you and I appreciate you my friend. One last thing before we wrap up today.

Karyn [00:51:54]:

You know, I think you’re a rock star for taking time out of your busy life to listen in and invest in your healing. It is capital h huge. And the reason I know how huge this is for you is because I am right there with you in all of this, working my wheel of wellness.

Karyn [00:52:10]:

Keeping my crohn’s at bay.

Karyn [00:52:11]:

It’s something that I invest in every day and I’d love it if we could continue our gut healing journey together. If you’re like me and you’re ready to soak up even more amazing gut healing information, it’s time to join the Gut love community the GLC is my free and fabulous space dedicated to dishing out even more IBD resources, recipes, healing hacks, lots of bts secrets on how I manage my life with IBD, all wrapped up.

Karyn [00:52:44]:

In a weekly newsletter to help you.

Karyn [00:52:46]:

Keep your momentum going strong. This Ibd dish is gut healing insights that I only share within our tight knit community. Basically, it’s your one stop shop for a more diversified approach to true and lasting gut healing. Amen to that my friend. Let’s walk this gut healing journey together. Join me in the community that’s community I can’t wait to meet you.