Archive Monthly Archives: June 2017

What the Heck is Dry Curd Cottage Cheese and What Do I Do With It?

Dry Curd Cottage Cheese.


If you are just starting out on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet or you are thinking of trying this eating plan to help quiet your Crohn’s or Colitis, you’ve likely heard of Dry Curd Cottage Cheese.  It’s an important part of the SCD, but it’s probably one of the most confusing parts as well.

What the heck is DCCC and what do I do with it? That’s probably the #1 question I get when it comes to the SCD.

In this Gut Love Live Sesh, we continue our SCD Made Simple: Cooking for Summer Series by not only answering this question, but also showing you how to bake an SCD staple: DCCC

In this video, we cover:

  • What is Dry Curd Cottage Cheese?
  • Why is it on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet?
  • Where do I buy it?
  • What do I do with it?
  • Plus, we’ll make one of my favorite DCCC recipes from start to finish

Grab a cup of tea, take a break from the kids and join me as we get some mom time to laugh, cry and support each other on our gut struggle journey.


Q and A Book Giveaway: Your Top IBD Questions Answered

IBD is confusing.

And there’s just not enough time in the doctor’s office to get all your questions answered. So, you sit and wait and wonder and more questions come and more confusion sets in.

That’s why I created an opportunity for you to get some of those questions answered.  It’s called Q and A Book Giveaway and I am so excited to share our first Q and A sesh with you.

I reached out on Facebook and Instagram and asked you, “What are your top questions about IBD?”

Wow, your Q’s really surprised me.

They were raw and insightful and super juicy.

Best of all, they were questions that everyone has. I know because I’ve had the same ones in my 30 years with Crohn’s disease.

Plus, as a bonus on this video, I gave away one of my favorite books: Managing IBD: A Balanced Guide to Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Jenna Farmer.  She wrote a fantastic book on IBD and I just had to give it to one lucky Gut Lovin’ Mama.

Check out this latest Gut Love Live Video Sesh.  We cover a lot of ground.

Here’s what we talk about:

  • How do I talk to my significant other about my bathroom issues?
  • What’s the #1 thing, besides diet, that you recommend for a healthy gut?
  • How does IBD affect your mood through anxiety and depression?
  • What are the best foods to eat to help your gut and your immune system?
  • Plus, we also talk about the power of sleep in healing your gut
  • And my Health Psychologist hubby joins us as we get to the bottom on the emotional side of IBD

Grab a cup of tea, take a break from the kids and join me as we get some mom time to laugh, cry and support each other on our gut struggle journey.

Did you like this video? If these gut healing tips were valuable for you, why not make it a habit?

Join other moms working to balance motherhood with gut struggles in our Gut Love Community for Moms.

It’s a private and priceless (free free free) place for you mom friend, when you’re ready to move beyond medicine and get support and encouragement on your journey to be the mom you always dreamed you’d be!

The Gut Love Community offers a place for you to:

  • Share with other moms who actually get what it’s like to be a mom with gut struggles
  • Get access to free master classes and specials only offered in our community
  • Discover gut healing recipes that the whole family will enjoy
  • Get your burning questions answered on how to best heal naturally from chronic gut issues like Crohn’s, Colitis and IBS.

See you in the community!!